Love's Battlefield - Volume 7

Both boys took a break from their cuddling to look out through the bedroom's window and, indeed, a thick curtain of black, billowing clouds and an east asian monsoon-like downpour had suddenly conquered the metropolis in the short space of time between their

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Said the joker to the thief

"the monsoon festival,_kajja_. have you forgotten?" i shut my eyes tightly. "gods -- is that tonight?" the monsoon festival was the sort of thing that only idiots would care about, which naturally made it one of the largest celebrations in jaikot.

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Cocks of the world: St Bernard, Emu, Platypus, Saltwater Crocodile

As he went to the interior the forest began being replaced by open grassland, although as the monsoon had ended a few weeks prior the grass was still very healthy and green.

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Kovu and Mipa: Thrill of the Hunt

As he did, he could not help but reflect the difference a few monsoon storms could make. the area in which he was now stalking had, in fact, been little more than barren desert before the start of the wet season.

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Storm Chasers

The clouds darkened, the cyclones grew in intensity and the rain became something not seen save for the most extreme of tropical monsoons.

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Love in the Dragon Lands

The town and the kingdom, in general, had adapted to dragonhood very well, the king, now a water dragon called monsoon at the start had mixed feelings about the whole situation, until his mate, an earth dragon, native from the dragon lands

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Just This Little Itch 3

Both their mouths agape, each rode out the monsoon of ecstasy at the same time, and in much the same fashion.

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Two Steps from Heaven

She could see the lasers painting lyrics upon the ceiling - the band was on monsoon's melody, now. the luminari chortled. "i think you're the only person i work with who's first words aren't 'where's my money?'"

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Chocolate Mousse and Easter Eggs

Derek laid his head back and was promptly bathed in a filthy monsoon, another flood. this time it was all hot liquid shit that had built up deep in the moose's guts while that big log had plugged him up. it smelled rank, almost sulfurous.

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OR: Varandions

The agency also has investments in agriculture, mining, construction and medicine, meaning they double their profit when the monsoon seasons come about during the summer when the crops are still in bloom.

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To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 28

=== soon after that day, the monsoon rains of summer came to hong kong.

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