Threetopia - Chapter 3: Into the Jungle.

The bullpen was abuzz with the news of the nighthowlers return and how they'd have to subdue any victims. "think delgato got any new leads?" matt asked, nudging judy's side. "don't know.

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Strange bedfellows

While all the predators had recovered from the nighthowlers some had changes in attitude and behavior after their time under the influence of the nighthowlers. continuing bellweather said "someone will send you a message soon.

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The Door (Ch. 21)

"soon, the human creature will feel the full effects of the nighthowlers, and turn savage.

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Lionheart's Triumph

What happens when maylor lionheart returns back to his position as mayor of zootopia after the nighthowler incident? well he hires himself two handsome studly guards to occupy his time with.

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Investigating the Oasis 2

nighthowler. the same stuff that had affected so many predators was being jammed right into her core, slick and wet and - "mmmmmmmmph!"

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Savage Investigation

I vaguely remember them saying something about the rainforest district, and finding a serum to make the nighthowler problem worse. i was more focused on trying to look for nighthowler potions or objects and let judy record what they were saying.

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Wolford's Unveiling - Part Twenty-One

The rhino told him too that the 'nighthowlers' incident had been a sheep conspiracy and wolford's eyes widened in recognition to the suggestion he'd made to the boss not too long ago.

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Zootopia - Trying to move on - Chapter 4: Coping

Yet you cracked the nighthowlers case only with the help of a frigging fox! in two days! we couldn't do it in two weeks, for crying out loud! and you just come waltzing in and slap us in our muzzles, reminding us that looks can deceive.

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Guard my Heart. A Zootopia short

We were not told who they were, or that they had been affected with the nighthowlers. we were just told to keep them contained and alive.

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Zootopia AU- Looking for a future - Chapter 1

When gideon shows up, apologizes to judy and then a couple of kits get close to nighthowlers and stu tells them not to because they are dangerous and commenting on how they are called nighthowlers and her parents telling the anecdote of a family member eating

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Foxhunt Friday

"i wonder if the nighthowler effect is as potent on guys." finnick mused. "let's give 'er a whirl, eh?"

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