Exodus - (Kreet 98)

Sorry, but you guys seem to think i'm some mystical omniscient leader ordained by goldworm. he knows better. he knows i don't piss nectar and don't shit gold.

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Wolf and Fox: IR + CD?! (old)

"humans are neither omniscient nor do they have the ability to see whule asleep." "as they should" dervish hesitated. "sorry, master." he admitted softly. "what is it you were going to say?!"

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House to Themselves

I wrote this story in omniscient instead of first person let me know what you think and which you prefer. :) "alright you two take care of each other, we'll be back tonight."

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Zion - Light of the New Moon: The Grand History

Due in part to their lack of omniscience, however, the titans did not realize this until it had already happened.

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The Gift of Godhood

In that instant of penetration, i am forever deflowered; my body mounted by the powerful and omniscient lord of the underworld.

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Thresholds [18+]

You scramble desperately through the dark under the weight of something evil stalking you with omniscient eyes, waiting for its chance to strike. furless, yellow skin suffused with the darkness of frostbite.

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On the Goddess

It will be easy to remember, as she will remind you herself: she is knowledgeable and observant, but not omniscient.


An Outside Influence

An omniscient narrator who can bend the world to their will around him. but, is this discovery a problem for the tiger? or can he use it to find himself the life of which he had always dreamed?

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Paternal Intimacy (The Beginning)

Also, these chapters are told in the third person omniscient rather than the first person perspective. hopefully that will make for a more interesting and detailed read. so, without further ado, here is, chapter 2, the beginning.

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Hope and Dreams part 24

Now the lack of near omniscience was a welcomed relief. he took vincent's scent in his stride, still smelling his sweet musk easily with his canine nose. he smiled, as their kiss ended, staring deeply into vincent's eyes.

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From Ice Cream to "Topping" - Arc 2, Chapter 2

Whilst i tried my best to summon up the courage i needed to finally give the shepherd a piece of my overloaded mind, we were stopped short by a familiar and lately omniscient force i grew to respect and learned to love over the past seasons time.

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Chapter 08 - Thyme After Time - part 04

**"that's the problem with being omniscient,"** the arch replied. **"knowing everything leaves you with few surprises. i mean come on, how many variations of world war ii can you watch before they all become weary?"** "i think i know what you mean...

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