OK 2 B Prey

The black lab gaped his jaws wider, flexed his legs, and took a step forward like a powerlifter dragging something heavy in front of crowds of onlookers jack barely had time to grasp what was going on before his butt

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Muscle Men Meatery

The big male was berating another employee, a former pro powerlifter cougar who, despite being retired, could still bench nearly as much as glamer. as the dragon heard what the bull was saying, his frown deepened.

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Kyuubi no Wilde, Part One

Slipping his hands under his belly, he held it up to keep his legs from bashing it with each step, a task easily accomplished with his new powerlifter's physique. nevertheless, thanks to his immense weight, the going was slow.

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Like Father, Like Son [PTRN]

It still felt weird that he curled a weight well beyond the powerlifting world record for bench press - that was performed with supportive gear, to boot - but it at least gave him useful data that he monitored.

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The Demon and the Tiger - 3

Unlike brock, bradley was more interested in powerlifting as opposed to bodybuilding, forgoing the rigorously sculptured muscles that brock possessed in favour of raw strength.

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CoB2 - Special Delivery: Episode 2

Seeing the fat linebacker spunk himself, barry started cumming, making duke grow even larger, but packing on quite a bit of muscle underneath his fat, giving duke the look of a off season powerlifter.

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RumpWrecker12: Monkey Business

The powerlifter monkey grinned again as his tail dropped tristan lower. one big paw wrapped around the small feline's neck, guiding him into place until the enormous tip prodded at the small cat's lips.

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To Defeat a Dragon

Despite still being taller and heavier than the dragon, torvanskir easily powerlifted him up over his head and angled him so that the huge ottercock shoved down more easily. friday couldn't take it anymore.

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Library Check Out (Knotty Version)

"lots of good background information and some excellent diagrams and photos showing the result of certain strength training and powerlifting routines over the course of several years. the research was excellent."

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Library Check Out

"lots of good background information and some excellent diagrams and photos showing the result of certain strength training and powerlifting routines over the course of several years. the research was excellent."

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He thinks about those huge shoulders, that massive chest, that powerful body of a powerlifter, those massive thighs.

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Rise Up

He turned on his laptop and started browsing through websites about fitness, powerlifting and diets, jumping from a link to the other.

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