Midline Shift 26 - The Death of Delta-Six

Amazingly, despite cracking the human teeth into bloody white pustules, it managed to dent the armor with an absurd force, dahnus nearly falling back as he slammed his knee up into maria's chin and kicked her back.

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Many Tiny Sparks: Chapter 14

Steve's rebuttal is said through gritted teeth "you'd only hit a nasty, infected pustule is all rose. "i-" steve flashes a sidelong glare at trevor who nods a hesitant affirmative while steve finishes his sentence "we apologize."

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The Volunteer Maiden, Chapter Ten

"i would be happy to incinerate that hairy-faced pustule." elyra giggled, but shook her finger at the dragon. "no, i don't think you should kill varm." "i disagree." the dragon snorted, and tossed his head.

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Forgotten Worlds 7 - Twisted Science

The one remaining scientist shudderd on the ground, half his face now burned severely to a stinging pustuled red. sophelie began to ease his wounds by means of a healing spell, the man shivering from such a cool light.

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The two bulges were taut with pressure, and felt like large pustules ready to burst. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ samorkahn stopped, and crouching he examined the tracks.

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Midline Shift 3 - Combat Time

Within minutes he would be dead, stumbling back out of the bar and trying to put out the fire with his thick claws but to no avail, burning hot alcohol stinging deep into his eyes and melting them into gooey pustules that ran down his cheeks.

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Yet, in spite of the stubby but growing tail that protruded from the young man's backside, in spite of the little ridge along his back, the pebbly, earth-toned scales that were pushing up through his skin like pustules it was still valerian, the

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Superhero 4

The glow he saw now was the color of violet flowers, shot through with rotting pustules of that very same demon-blackness. dr. theorem, the archmagister of his world, forced himself to remain calm.

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Forgotten Worlds 6 - Castle of Blood

Ghosts were somehow reduced into bloody pustules of ectoplasmic ooze, and james only knew this due to alestes pointing out such.

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The Shade Cheonicles: The Time Complex: Section 2:Say my name

I watch as they break apart mid-flight, and the pustule green color of the gas starts to make a cloud and sinks down upon the city. i feel a small chill, and the voices start to whisper to me, as i know what was just done.

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Birth of a God

As that happened he spread his virus throughout the hospital, the tendrils growing out of the floor and spreading up the walls and growing into pustules and vines that spread quickly.

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Splash Zone

Yet, both she and her onlooker seemed perplexed as the pulsating again her skin on the back of her neck focused on a particular area that separated rapidly, as though a popped pustule.

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