Deep Blue (Cock Vore/Transform Ending)

While the shoulders stretched the skin rediculously, jack's face pressed against the bottom of the sheath, the details of his face visible from the outside. the shoulders were the hard part, and once they were in, the rest came easy.

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Inservio: Mija

Don't be rediculous. and stop asking questions." the hound grunted again, and got to his feet to stride his way over to the table. the small bag of trinkets that came with the girl resided there.

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The Candy Capper

Much of the crowd was distracted by another consumer who had eaten one and now stretched his body to rediculous degrees. "it's still just magic mumbo jumbo, dear. nothing like actual in home cooking."

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A Wonder Drug

"rediculous! i have documented all the side effects of amoratrophine, and they don't match" he replied. "not all of them," corrected franz, "it's also a diuretic. add that, and they match perfectly." "my studies never found that."

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Fang's Fattening Dungon

He was starting to enjoy being kidnapped, he was enjoying being told he's a bitch, being forced to eat rediculous amounts of unhealthy, melted, chocolate sludge, he loved the feeling of his massive rolls of fat, how soft and squishy they

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LiM Ch8: 'There is no Peace without...'

'well, i guess that prooves how rediculous this whole thing is, for me not to even notice her before..,' i thought. and then i realized it'd probably interfere a lot with my training...

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The Old Gods, Part 3

By the time darek was done azure wanted to roll laughing as how rediculous darek looked right now. darek took a few breaths and sighed at having to come out for sally to see and got it over with.

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Chapter Five

They looked rediculous! when chip retorted that she looked pretty funny herself, dale only responded by making a silly at him- causing him to laugh. soon, as monterrey and gadget thought about it, they themselves were laughing.

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Breaking point

There was no way fern wanted this.. it was rediculous, embarrasing and humiliating.......... and it would hurt.

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Lizard King

Also like a hemipenis, since it collapses entirely into the body when not in use, its rediculously huge when it does come out to play.

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Final Chapter VII: Bond of Brotherhood: Part I

You're so pathetic its rediculous!! get up!! i said get up!!" zoroark slammed his foot onto charmeleon's back, he grunted and cried out from the impact. mightyena growled as he tried to intervene, houndoom's eyes widened as he stopped mightyena.

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Chapter 2: More Than Peckish

Oh arceus that must look rediculous from out there!" the deerling laughed and teased, pressing his forehooves into the palm of aspen's paw. "alright, uh...pull me out, i guess?"

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