The Power of Pain 1

Nothing can stop this now._ he smiled as he tucked the ring into his pocket, but there was definitely something interesting about the statuette.

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The Alchemist's Assistant Part 6

"out of all the artifacts i have uncovered, this rather grim statuette has to be the most interesting.

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The Fox General: Senatora

Tiny pewter statuettes that were brightly painted stood on the map, depicting soldiers of just about every species in north africa: foxes standing in a pike wall to our north, fennecs to our west atop their horses, hyenas wielding exotic and fantastically

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Monstrous Fangs

But the thing that caught my eye was a small statuette, a creature that looked positively terrifying to anything smaller than it. it appeared to be part naga, but it had four wings and a dragon's head, along with massive talons for its size.


Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 2.4 Myre

Liam called calmly, drawing my attention from the small copper statuette i was examining on a tiny ledge between one of the bronze plaques. bahrla reached him first, blocking my view of whatever he had noticed, "it's a hole." she stated flatly.

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Fireborn: Hail to the night

Pistol on the right arm just under my hand, that lovely bowie knife still clutched in my left and a worn granite statuette in my lap. i set the granite statue on the little desk by my chair and sat it up.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 2c, Revelations (pt 1)

Alarice answered, "he's trustworthy enough, and we'll be welcome here--" she glared at alvis, who was just about to touch a small statuette on the fireplace's mantle, "assuming, we don't touch anything." she noted pointedly.

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Gold Dust

But as he stared at the statuette, he felt a familiar stirring just like he felt any time he caught sight of a valuable gold-forged item. his cock rose with the same power and fury as a thunderbird taking to the air.

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Chapter 14: Timothy and Suzie

Timothy and suzie looked worriedly at the fierce fox statuette behind them. catching the mice a second time proved to be more difficult than the first time.

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A Forge of Heroes - Plans and Punishment

With that, aryn sat back down, resuming what he had been doing before, which was whittling a small statuette of a wolf, out of a piece of wood, with a piece of sharp stone.

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Standing O

Once there, he clutched the nude, golden statuette. "never thought i'd win one of these." he struck a theatrical pose with the golden award. "who's who?" the audience laughed. "really, i have to thank my station. channel 13. you rock!

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Geography part 1

Plots and rumors there are few plots in uftna, but ancient artifacts turn up and are the cause of interest brass dragon in the hamlet of isin a stand lizard statuette turns up repeatedly despite the local's efforts to rid themselves of it, recently villagers
