A Loving Reminder and a Stressed Out Wolf

With a giant wolf and tiger nestled in his vascular, and rippling boulder-like pecs, kauto snuggled up warmly and thought about the past few weeks with his wolf and tiger.

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Fly on the Wall

It chose the heavily vascular calf muscle on the horse's left leg. again, the fly dove in eagerly and tried to bite into the muscle below the thin skin. it was unable once again.

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Virgin Virus: Gideon and Belham

I also have certain vascularity and definition. but this is not important. this man is wrapped in clothing, a fair inconvenience of humans. i thought of how to feed off him. from the rear? from the front? from the mouth? a combination of them?

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A Family Reunion

He got about six inches down before gagging, and so began to pull back, leaving what vascular grey cock he had reached slick and shiny with saliva. "fuck yeah. how's it taste, kid?" "fucking incredible.

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Master Splinter's Stable: ACT I

The heat that radiates from those thick vascular pup makers causes the roo's head to spin. the rat chuckles at his little fun inside joke master splinter: i hope you like your rats with a little bit of cheese!

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Fair's Fair

It was a true stallion penis: a weighty, vascular slab of flesh that put his piddling todger to shame. even sheathed, it left a bulge in his pants that had the ladies crying themselves to sleep, and most of the males questioning their sexuality.

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Total Nerdgasm

Rarity shrieks and complains, her mouth frozen into a smile as her cock, stiff and vascular, swings from side to side with her movements. her pussy is swollen and looks very inviting. "rarity...

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Full Moon Victory

She gasped as she felt her legs thicken and lengthen with even more muscle, feeling her abs, arms and back improve with even more and bigger vascular mounds of power.

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Chapter XI: The Three Bears

All three bears collapsed onto the floor, a mess of bodies, sweaty fur and flexed, vascular muscles.

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Jasmine and the Pack.

It had to be more than 26 inches of pulsing, throbbing, vascular raw lupine cock. the skin was loose around the body but it was stretched tight yet was thicker skinned than she's seen.

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A Little Reflection

He released the pose, and wiggled the quad muscle yet again, then with total control over the huge mass, he flexed, and instantly it ceased all motion, ripping to shreds before his eyes, even more vascularity becoming evident through the thin, tight

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Slice of Fantasy Chapter 1

Her body retained a feminine shape in spite of the dense, vascular muscle packed over all nine feet of her broad frame. her pelt was colored in sandy tones appropriate to a true native of the desert, sinew and ligaments standing starkly beneath it.

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