Unfiltered Science

With the next phasing period she would be more horse than human, and her mind would begin to weaken in both phase states. jen blinked, two phase states?

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1 lie is all it took

phase-fine i'll be a good little assassin. me-yah right. phase-well i was going to tell everyone how i ended up like that but i guess not. me-come on phase don't be like that phase-nope it's too late. goodbye.

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Kieku's lament

"i was stressed out... and i had to phase so i could out run them and evade them..." "i-i understand......" "i-i'm cold..." well, it was true... "well, i guess that's what phasing does to you..." i blushed a bit, and she giggled.

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One lie is all it took (3)

Me: sorry about that, i just had to tie phase up so he wouldn't bother me. phase: you can cage me but you can't cage my spirit!!!!

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TMF-Ep47-Confronting the true mastermind-

The boss itself had 3 phases: a giant like phase, a rouge attacker phase and the raw ghost phase with crystals acting as it's shields constantly breaking during each phase.

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Olfrin Stormfin (Not his real last name)

This is the male-to-female shift phase. this phase - typically - for him lasts about 10-12 days.

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Solipsism II

In reality, i was talking to raia, who was phased out. i felt myself phase out and i was dragged outside. we were behind one of the stores, where no one would see us. "you have no money." she said.

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Cavernous Storybook CH2: Unexpectedly Grave Consequences

Let's just skip right on ahead to phase three, shall we? phase three: we form our own army to combat the incoming shovel brigade and overthrow the freaking doctor once and for all! any questions?"


World of Warcraft Bustyman Tactics Guide: Raid Bosses - Part 2

Thorim's minions will stop spawning in phase 2, however, any that still remain from phase 1 will need to be dealt with immediately.

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Sulphira's War: Chapter 6

Ready for phase two?" "phase two? so soon? shouldn't we at least wait until phase one is completed?" jallek asked, still practically gawking at daori.

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Team Argos, Chapter 2

phasing out of the mirror, she stepped lightly on the sink, and out of the restroom, where she encountered... **x-zorb** art left his apartment wearing his street clothes.

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