Gentle Lies: Chapter 1 : London's Gates Will Open, So Will the Closet.

I feel like, an ant worshipping some alien race, looking up to heights unreachable, only to know, what goes up, must all have a fall." ~unknown source_ "julian, your research paper for this term was a tad lacking, care to tell me why?"

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The Chance to Explore: Part 1 The Prologue

._ _apparently, a several thousand years ago a_ _different_ _and much older alien race had transplanted sample of earth's inhabitants to various other planets throughout the galaxy.

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Going Squirrelly

When she saw the eesk-nret and bakiswi, she was surprised to see that these 2 alien races were both squirrel-like. "you probably would like to know that these beings are responsible for your ability to communicate with squirrels," said oramo.

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In Serpent's Embrace: Chapter 1-Intro

At the battle of titan, another alien race appeared, the heliokin. they attacked the multispawn fleet and defended the refugee ships.

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Love and Pain

Finally after a thousand years of searching earth made contact with an alien race. but the race was in danger the needed a new planet to go to. the earth's governments were not very trusting but finally allowed them to stay on earth.

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The Kovarudia

race should shi decide to "seed" it with the costumes. ## physical features: general all kovarudia are hermaphrodites, though take on many forms ranging between masculine and feminine.

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Zootopia - Beast-Wars

Some alien race locked your ancestors up in some dead volcano, behind some impenetrable barrier after erasing some fictional species called hue-mans from the timeline."

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Ventaar species

- intro- the ventaar are a alien race who have carved out a massive empire amongst the stars. they are a warrior society who have been in various conflicts for generations.

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An endless voyage continued ch 11

"be advised this region of space is filled with a hostile alien race...their heads look like penises." "we're well aware a' the xians." maya said. "thats why we're in this expanse. the xians bin attackin an' conquerin worlds."

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A Corrupted Odyssey - Prologue

The alien races weren't even enslaved, nor were they even bothered by our presence for god knows how long. wait, he wouldn't know, he's dead. we'd know, we always do.


Kaotic beginnings - A Kaos Army story - Chapter 10

The rustle of the packet, the bright unnatural colours and the sickly sugary aroma grabbed their full attention, and battle axes were swiftly lowered as the alien race got their first taste of earth pick-n-mix.

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Chapter XI: Dead Memories

The forgotten, an alien race from somewhere beyond the stars. first encountered during the war of pride when radar picked up an unidentified air craft in the approaching storm. two fighters were scrambled to intercept the possible foxen craft.

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