Appreciating Space
In a remote fire watch tower, two old friends share some old memories.. and make some new ones. this is the first piece of furry erotica/literature i've ever produced! like, actually my first one ever. hopefully this piece isn't too terrible.
VIP Access
, sharing this girl with him.
Amatsu's Life As A Sorceror Chapter 1
His ex girlfriends and nsa friends shared his sentiments. he picked up his blue briefs and pulled them on, sighing as he pulled the uncomfortable cloth over his genitals.
Sunset at the Dock
Stepping off the front porch, michelle somberly made her way down the pathway towards the dock her parents and their friends shared. the ground felt unfriendly to tread on, she seemed to only step where tiny rocks lay in wait jabbing at her paw pads.
Cosmic Winter chapter 4
The three friends shared a sigh of defeat, none having anything else worth while to offer as incentive. "then i guess we just wait and see what happens..."
RP for Fun I: The Prelude
We're friends, and friends share their porn." "same here" ,sek ate another half-bottle like it was nothing. valiant paused, "hey! it's working! the enlargement drugs!" he spoke to sek. sek raised an eyebrow, "eh?"
The Idle
Inspired by an experience a friend shared and staring my current fixation, moloch! moloch scrolled down on his phone one last time before he let out an exasperated grumble and tossed the device on his bed.
Fired Up
He then proceeded to explain what he thought was the cause to his friend, sharing the reason why he had decided to take part in the trial. the growlithe couldn't help but wonder if he would get any bigger and found himself rather enticed by it.
The Tale of the Rebellious story
With the farmer vanished, the stable returns to a semblance of normalcy, and the rebellious cow and her friend share a moment of silent communication, the unicorn standing as a guardian of their fantastical farm.
Kobold Kaos - Spreading
This was ame's house, as they recognized it from the pictures their friend shared online. the demigirl in question opened the door not a moment later, eyes lighting up as she recognized her friend.
Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Forty-second Entry
Wisselfleur was so caught up in her best friend's shared fantasies that she hardly noticed when rael carefully guided the hippogryph girl's petite tushie to the edge of the pool, so that she was seated next to her friend, allowing rael to alternate
Invitation to a Spitroast
Meet friends, share stories and laughs!' wow. someone actually invited him to a party? this just made him blink again and his tail swish happily. this was the 10th con he'd been to, yet only the first party that he'd been invited to.