Visiting Town
"more than welcome to stay," tet remarks, "from one friendly troublemaker to another, you're pretty good company." smiling as he saw a slight raise from the feline's ears. "smaller towns and villages like this usually have work more to my abilities.
Trubbish Bonding
Lonely batchelor seeking fun times and good company. that had been posted many times in chats, but as always it was just me and my trubbish looking at eachother at the end of the day, happy at not being alone, yet wanting more.
The Society, CH 2
"well, you were willing to spend the night, and you're good company, so i'd like to get to know you better, see if we can be friends, now that we've fucked."
Rising Power - Chapter 9, Lifthraien
Nrasky and his son had spoken to the dragon in a dark, strange language, and the owner decided we were good company. he was a massive, scarlet and black dragon, owning a huge hoard of gold, silver, and gems.
Internet Entrepreneur
You're too evil for the good companies, and not evil enough for the evil ones. hell, he applied to work as prompter technician in the fox newsroom, and he was still below the evil bar. james sighed.
Splintered Light - Prologue, Pt 1
Alistair was again left to his own devices with no company other than himself and, truth be told, he wasn't very good company.
She didn't mind it much though, he was good company. the two continued on joking and laughing until the light began to dip below the horizon and visibility became poor; this is was when the two decided to make camp for the night.
Broken - Chapter One – The Hike
Lucas & Lucynda: A New Friendship (Update 27/06/2013)
She was really a good company despite the awkwardness that was filling the air. he had to say he really liked her company and didn't mind that she was a dragoness and a vampire.
Bigger Loads, More Friends (Pt. 2)
According to trevor, each photo reminded him that he was always in good company. daniel was shocked to see how many truckers actually wore diapers. he even recognized several of them.
Dry Lagoon
Rin frequented one such establishment, looking for nothing more than cheap ale and good company. what she'd gotten was something else entirely.
Jason's Nightmare - Part 11 (END)
We must first learn to bow down, to humble ourselves, before other people would even consider you as good company." "but there are still those who would step on those beneath them." jason pointed out. "which is why it's hard to just 'bow down'."