Dal Segno

I loved seeing shots of the marching bands playing. it reminds me of being in the marching band for the football games.

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Tooth or Dare

We were all in marching band together too, besides ana. so we had plenty of time in-between stand cheers to admire all the players in their plastic body armor and ridiculously butt-cupping pants.

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Love Ensemble, Part 4

My paws are always so tired after marching band." jordan chuckled again. "i'll keep that in mind. see you tomorrow," he said before turning to start walking away. _don't just let him walk away, blake. he likes you. you have a date with him tomorrow.

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An Invincible Summer Ch. 11 - Resident Alien

Maybe she'd hire a whole marching band and straight-up kill him. the pounding in the back of her head returned in force and she closed her eyes briefly, just to let it fade. liz got annoyed at the smallest of things when she was hung over.

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Just Another Gay High School Romance chapter 4

The band was probably the best competitive team in the school (they had won state marching band 3 years in a row) after the cheerleaders. there were various students, both human and fur, setting up equipment and instruments.

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Endangered Love - Chapter 9

Crow cackled, each click of the far away trigger as loud to him as a marching band. "here ah come!!!" he proclaimed. just then, a bullet made it through, grazing him on the head, "yyyyyooowww!!"

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That Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 2: The Black/Pruple Husky (part 4)

"maybe because their not in marching band." he said kissing my lips. some people stoped and stared then turnd and started walking the other way.

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Aftershocks (Pilot)

Mayor shepherd took the platform and the university marching band began playing "hail to the chief" to signal that everything was about to start. she was a vixen, small and slender, but she had the presence of someone used to being in charge.

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Family Days 18

Instead the money went to things like sports and keeping those type of things in better order--even the marching band got more. well, he wasn't actually annoyed at the marching band, since they did a lot of fundraisers.

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The making of a book cover - A heresy story

band, webcam footage of geoff keighley, screaming in a sewer, pixelated ape enclosure, hideous ogre monster, commodore 64 screenshot, minimalist depiction of george w. bush, dunce cap clipart, pencil sketch of willem dafoe vomiting, my esteemed rabbi bill


fetch and dusk P53

_each heartbeat was a beat on that drum of pain, and every member of the marching band was banging it with their sticks.

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No Pain, No Gain

No more marching band, and since there is no school next week, i have more time to write then before! more stories coming soon. this story is for [![avatar?user=56386&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?

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