My Lovely Shadow (Werehog Sonic x Shadow) Chapter 2

A few minutes before Sonic became a werehog, Shadow stood on his back porch, watching the moon. He had a bad feeling about the moon and Sonic. He knew that Sonic goes on his nighttime runs and tonight happened to be one of them. Suddenly, the leaves on...

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My lovely Shadow (Werehog Sonic X Shadow) Chapter 1

Late one night on Mobius, Sonic was doing his daily nighttime running through a nearby forest. He turned to look at the moon for a few seconds and continued his run. But then, he stopped to get a good look at the moon. It happened to be huge and very...

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Chapter 12 - Judgement Day! Farewell My Loving Flame! (Part 1)

**Before this story starts, I would like to thank my READERS! You guys keep me going! ^\_^. If it wasn't for them, this story wouldn't have happened. Also, all characters here are copyright of Eurasia21xx. Things used from the game "Legend of Dragoon"...

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Chapter 12 - Judgement Day! Farewell My Loving Flame! (Part 2)

**Before this story starts, I would like to thank my READERS! You guys keep me going! ^\_^. If it wasn't for them, this story wouldn't have happened. Also, all characters here are copyright of Eurasia21xx and my friends from YiffStar. Things used from...

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Chapter 12 - Judgement Day! Farewell My Loving Flame! (Part 3)

**Before this story starts, I would like to thank my READERS! You guys keep me going! ^\_^. If it wasn't for them, this story wouldn't have happened. Also, all characters here are copyright of Eurasia21xx and my friends from YiffStar. Things used from...

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Your Cage

I'll shower you with sweetness, my love and devour your regret you can spend the rest of forever, my love in this cage you cannot flee forever being embraced, my love by the warmth that is me...

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A Letter To My Wife

Jade, i love you till the end of time, and my love shall give me the power to protect you, to be able to keep you in my arms forever, and in the beginning, i have yearned for you, so i can give you my love forever, you

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Love of my Second World Life Chapter 16

"you may not be able to walk, but you sure can take care of my needs my love." "i'm just happy i can make you feel that good my love."

A Warrior Side Tale Book 2

Jek looks outside and said "look outside, my seems very beautiful..i miss being free..\* he holds on to seito. seito speaks and said "i know my love.

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Love Poem

Though my love for thee will never cease, even upon my dying breath. i will claim my love for thee, and to st. peter i will tell, i wait here for my love, and ne'er go into the gates of heaven, without the angel i love and cherish.

For you...

Whatever happens, for you my love, i will never leave you i would follow you to the ends of the earth and if you say so, i would die for you for you my love my world is yours...

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Love of my Second World Life Chapter 18

Navaja then giggled and said, "you're more than enough for me my love. i feel like i've had a near death experience from pleasure." "but what a way to go my love."
