Mission Report (Otherwise Untitled)

With only one arm, she dropped the chem-weld applicator to un-holster a sidearm. ~ as it settled the sights of the pistol on him, boss recognized the arm as being from one of his preferred bounty hunters.

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Oggstrosse - Epilogue

-the succubus queen; freya stepped out from the remaining forestry and pulled with her a wounded and gravely weakened oggstrosse, whom had one arm around her shoulders- did they truly believe, -he grunted slowly, weakly- that i did not know?


Mate Swap [Commission]

Kekipi shifted himself over his shoulders, one arm still above his head and the other braced backwards against the wall for balance.

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Morning Maintenance

He caught sight of a large silhouette, one arm raised high above the head as the body shifted to turn on its axis.

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Assassin's Blood - part 1

He stretched first one leg, then the other, then one arm, then the other, then, drawing a breath, his jaw stretched wide, ears clenched closed, eyes squeezed shut, neck straining for a few tense seconds as his lungs drew no breath till they exhaled at the

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Writing Practice 1.

Eli sat in the rightmost chair, his rear placed in the middle, one leg over one arm of the chair, the other arm used to rest against his back.

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One Time Thing

He made his pecs jump one at a time, and i had to cover my muzzle to stop a gasp, and then he lifted one arm, flexed his bicep, and kissed it while looking at the mirror. "not bad guns..." "fuck yeah!"

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Behavioural Adjustment Bullying

In her lap, cupped in one arm, sat the lioness, still in a daze and laconic way. "there it is, little lion drone. smile for the camera." she said.

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get crazy like sour skittles (chapter five)

Illizia pulls her off the couch and wwraps one arm around her waist, his paw resting on her hip softly, in a "she's mine" type of gesture.

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Kinktober 2018 Day 18 - Latex

So, i slip on one arm, and then the other, letting the fabric rub up against my skin and my shoulders. the final nail was the zipper. i took a deep breath and pulled it up, sighing as the latex gets tighter and tighet around my form.

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