Rebirth of Reemon 2

Plus i have to travel to other worlds." croc asked, "what for?" veemon said, "the darkness from the other worlds has come together. they want to absorb creatures so that they themselves can live. i am the chosen hero destined to stop them.

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Prologue To The Animan

The marks that caused the separation by the demons are now used as a link to the other worlds for easier travels.


Split Time:Chapter 1 The Meeting

My father had found a way to travel to other worlds. i don't know the specifies on how the traveling worked, but it used a spherical device that would cause rifts to appear and open portals to other worlds.

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Trouble in paradise

"i am a part of you, a big enough part that being in a whole other world from me is a strain on your mind.

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Chapter 2: War, Awakening, Entering the Abyss.

I silently hoped that they would be unable to trouble any other worlds as i was dragged through the darkness to a place that my people, and many other people from many other worlds, knew of only as the abyss.

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Thirteen Tales 2021 Sign Ups Open

Then again, your other world might not be another actual universe. perhaps you've been shrunken down to the size of a mouse, and discovered a tiny world hidden world full of talking mice.

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Wolves of Arcanus (Story Arc I: Galactic Intervention)

After recovering from the creatures deprivations, their council decided no other world should suffer such a calamity.

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The Problem of Sensitive Soles 2

He was being displaced, a bit of revenge for all the chaos that he had caused in that other world during his escape, he imagined. the demon had placed a little curse on him, a spell from that other world.

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immortal 4

The other world will be colliding with us sooner or later and we have to have our balance or they will end up joining them. they have to keep it up until they arrive. only when the other worlds are gone will we be able to return to a life of peace."

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Three's Company

It dates back to ancient times on my world, though i have found other worlds that learned similar techniques."                 veronica became alert at that. "other worlds? with people?"                

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Ozien's journey

A world of wonder where creaturs of other realms, of other world often end up for it is a world that can be reached from any other world, but no one really knows how...

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Torture then Death to the Black Wing

He cried out loudly, the messenger helped to gather information from other worlds and reported back to the angel council when ever he discovered something they need to know about, it had been a long time since they last saw the black wing.

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