Junior Year: Crawling By

We talked for a while, about school, girls, jobs. "i applied for another job." "where?" "this little teashop right down the road. and a book store." "'s cool man. good luck." "yeah thanks." the movie let out and jake was in a really good mood.

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Tiny Eros Chapter 5

"you're telling me that a bunch of school girls are running an organized crime ring? come on penny, that sounds like something out of a comic book or something." "it's true spec and your involved now whether you like it or not!"

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Paladin of The Dark Sun, Introduction

High school girls are a lot meaner. more subtle. they go more for humiliation than the actual physical stuff. not that they won't resort to that, but that maybe because i go to a private school. i hear public schools are worse.

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As the night went by

They fell onto the bed giggling like school girls, morgan on top of marlowe. they could feel the breath of the other with every exhalation and without much words marlowe clumsily kissed morgan on the lips. his first reaction was to return said kiss.

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Arora: The Hungry Wolves Chapter One

The two canine school girls walked down the hall and out of the school in silence. it wasn't until they had walked a few yards out away from the school that naheta couldn't contain herself any longer.

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Honor In Blood Chapter 3

"so, you like school girls?" mantis asked with a chuckle. "did she wear one of those little uniforms?" "no, no no no!" crane exclaimed almost falling off his stool as he waved his wings in protest. "it was nothing like that.

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Beer and Whine make Everything Fine

Daryl was my backup date when any of the school girls were busy, and he was getting to be pretty good at what he did. the other nice thing was that i didn't have to wear protection.

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Pink and Yellow

At the bottom of the note, a big, bouncy pink heart was drawn, like the kind drawn in the margins of a high school girl's notebook. if the world were a cartoon, a similar heart might have been floating dreamily above victor lafleur's head.

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Chapter 2: Fond Memories

I saw geno wearing her usual torn across the chest tank top and ripped jeans sitting next to a gorgeous yellow bird wearing a black school girl's outfit that showed off her voluptuous figure exceedingly well, surrounded by a group of almost drooling guys.

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Pride Bay. Chapter Four.

Marty waved heading over after bumping into another cat, then into a group of high school girls, nearly tripping over a baby carriage and finally jumping up over a bench that blocked his path. "i won!"

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Espy:Tales of a Femboy 2

The next day the class rose up in an uproar again when they saw espy wearing his school girl's uniform. this time though a few eyebrows were raised when espy merely smiled back. he wasn't embarrassed this time, no he was happy.

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Mango and True Speak - 5

He noticed a gaggle of middle school girls drinking sodas outside the convenience store. he noticed a couple of older folks walking hand in hand. for a moment, mango almost felt bad for what he was about to say.

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