The Skate Girl

Here is a short 1.000 words story i wrote for adirashrinks inspired by a lovely piece of artwork done by konokono and having shippofoxfire as the special guest.

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Day 13 Prisoner

#13 of kinktober 2023 the keyword that inspired this entry and all those that follow were taken from pyperhaylie's kinktober listthis story features an escaped convict finding a perfect body's special guest: thunderstreak word count: 1481 posted

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Day 7 Mask _ Cult

#7 of kinktober 2023 the keyword that inspired this entry and all those that follow were taken from pyperhaylie's kinktober listthis story features a mysterious cult and how they 'recruit' a new's special guest: arbanis word count: 1367 posted

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Private Time (Macro Story)

Yes, it was looking to be one of those nights...but this time, the deer would have some special guests along for the ride.

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Day 9 Break

Today's special guest: technophile34 word count: 1532 posted using postybirb it was hardly an uncommon occurrence for the circuitry to degrade and develop glitches among the dolls, products of an adult oriented factory that sexualised and generally humanised

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16 - Big stars in the big city

The chef was glad to get such special guests and made them a special dessert on the house. cani agreed to promote it on her online diary in exchange for another piece they could eat later at the apartment.

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Daddy's Little Holiday Party: Everett

Before carl could pull away, his muzzle went firm and he said, "and you remember our special guest coming, right?" thomas nodded, but didn't respond. whatever they had discussed, the large fox didn't need it repeated to him.

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Visiting a Dragon 3

If what he heard was true, most patrons had waited over a month to be invited to this special guest again and some never were. but hazel had begun to think of the predator as his dragon.

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The Tentative Housemates chapter 1

"this is a room that is granted to special guests and used for special occasions." she then leaned in close, so close i could smell the slight floral scent of conditioner in her fur. "so honey please do me a favor, try to stay out of this room please."

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