(COMMISSION) A Hard Lesson Learned

'even after having his balls crushed like he has', khan thought bemusedly, 'he is still getting aroused by a simple massage. ah, the indiscretion of youth...'

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Commission: Bar Dogs

Those heavy balls crushing up not just once, but twice to deliver multiple deep shots through her awaiting figure until her pussy was so filled with his potent cream that it would gush from her tightly sealed lower lips, joining her own cum down the length

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Commission: King of Lust Title Tournament Part 2

This phant may never know what had just happened, but what he did know was that thickness was starting to grind between his rear cheeks, the pressure of the balls crushing against the underside of his rump and the soft feeling of that head pushing its way

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Commission: King of Lust Tournament Part 4

A wicked grin locked on his lips, but as he pressed his shaft in forward he could feel his much larger balls crush down against the big, but smaller pachyderm nuts that rested so easily between those thighs.

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What i wanted to say was something about how my gonads were most definitely /not/ good with squeezing: how having my balls crushed between her damn legs felt like my insides were going cannibalistic and eating themselves.

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Full Moon Roar

The basement was beginning to give, the weight of his growing manhood and balls crushing wood and concrete alike. taj however was too distracted by the new feelings taking hold of his small frame.

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Chapter XI: Family Secrets

The badger was quick to reprimand him, "velasquez, behave yourself, unless you'd like your balls crushed." the official brandished a black cane with a particularly large diamond head, perfect for crushing balls.

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Target Practice

_ frek let out a falsetto shriek as he was lifted several inches into the air, his already-deformed testicles crushed completely beyond recognition.

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(C) Laeyon's New Guildmaster

She clenched her fist around the ball, crushing it until it vanished in a puff of smoke. she brushed the ash off of her hand, which showed no sign of being even slightly burnt. "you must not have faced other mages much."

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The Egg Barn

The ball crushes again, this time breaking into a chunk of the ball. it's ruined. she lightens up and he starts to chew. the ball is crunchy and gooey. crunch crunch crunch... gulp.

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In The End (Story Request)

crushing it almost as if it was made out of beach sand.

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