Trying Something New

There were furs and reptiles everywhere, tables packed with too many people, windowsills' covered in backpacks and some people actually sitting on them.

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The Back Room

All around me were furs of various species, dancing, drinking, and just basically having a good time. the floors lit up in a disarray of colors, and there were the usual dancing lights. so far, i liked it here.

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Zynder's Acknowledgment

Upon going to sleep in my dream i woke up to find that there were furs leaving out of the classroom. zero was trying to pull me out of my chair, so i could get to my next class, but i was still drowsy from my nap.

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SOTT: Chapter 1: Simply Fantasising

They two were furred with grey hair on the outside and thin fine white hairs on the inside. he reached a hand up in his sleep to rub them lightly before rolling to his other side as his ears twitched idly.

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Chapter 1- Life Debt

There were furs piled for a bed, a rudimentary table set with berries, bread, and a jar of water. something rattled and the leopard turned to see in the gloom that two small beast-rabbits were caught in a trap.

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Chapter 4; The Club

Emetia was amazed, everywhere there were furs and scalies. a fair few of them were paired up. together they headed for the bar â€" lars making a hand motion suggesting a drink, shi agreed. standing at the bar, they started to drink.

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War of men

I remembered horror stories we used to tell about men as if they were fur-collectors, but i didn't believe in them. they just were nonsense. men had two skins, and the deepest was the only one that bled. why would they want another skin or a fur?

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Shadowrun: The Changeling Escort Service, chapter 1

They were furred, except for the areola and the nipple. and they were nicely shaped too . . . what am i thinking? i'm bidding because i'm angry, not because i am admiring a girl that just happened to be auctioned off as a slave.

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A meeting at the market

Halfway there she saw that the gray shirt and black gloves were nothing of the sort; they were fur, part of the outfit, and he even had sharp little raccoon claws.

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F. - Chapter Four

There were furs of all different sizes and species running around, just enjoying themselves. some lay half buried in the sand while their friends hauled buckets up to finish the job.

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Lost in the Crowd

Everywhere he looked there were furred or scaled naked bodies, sheathes and packages of all shapes and sizes.

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The Cabin in the Woods (Commission for Dcrest13)

Most of this legs and his sides were fur as well, leaving him half skin, half furry. "was... was that note telling the truth?"

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