Consortium 1-1: TD14 Chapter 6
anon and riu were able to get more of the information while in the guardian lift.
Magical Nights: Earning Permission
Viewers (4) anon: only an hour?
Yagato Mountain
\>"is something the matter anon?
More Than Friends
"say, how's about we leave off there anon, just pick up ecclesiastes five next wednesday?" he asks, punctuating the question with a drawn out grind. you nod.
Garden of Greens (Anthology)
Shouts a familiar voice from under the bed \>morgan bends down to see anon hiding under the hospital bed, a shit eating grin on his face \>"anon you jerk! five fucking years!"
The rending
anon, fighting the tremendous force, created the single most dangerous orb known to the universe.
The Tales of Anon part two: clever little devil
#2 of the tales of anon and so we continue the tales of anon in part 2: clever little devil. all names and characters are of my own imagining please ask for permission before using or featuring any of my characters.
Consortium 1-2: Shipment of Nothing Chapter 8
Now having some information about the dolls from the shadows, anon and riu reenter the container.
Bear Scars (HMOFA)
\>"seriously anon! walking into that alleyway all alone? what were you thinking doing something so stupid around a part of town like that?"
The Tales of Anon part three
**three years after " the tales of anon part two: clever little devil "** "anon it's time for school hun, you need to get up." mayla shouted up the stairs. "ok mom i'll be right down." i shouted back. "remember, no mischief."
It's Just a Cigarette
"i-i love you anon" aria moaned in the worst way as i laid down next to her. "i love you aria" i responded, holding her close. she shook in my arms for a while, her pain a dull but constant presence.
Dundorma Snow
"a-anon, look, i want this but... you are a big guy, y'know? we are not really built to take that kind of thing, except for the meowstress.