Artist's Block (A short Hyena TF)

artist's block by kura hyena; "it's no use, i just don't have that creative spark."

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Artists Challenge - WTFur Montreal 2011

Two very short stories, written iron chef style for the artist challenge panel, what the fur montreal 2011 i came first! :d ~ here we go again ~ "you know i hate this time of year." cindre sulked.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 93 - The Artist

The pencil quickly touched the paper as he left his artist's mark upon it. lyza took it back and examined the paper for where it was. she found it in tiny little cursive letters just beneath the flute.

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A Tale of Two Artists, Friendship, and Loss

The boss handed the customer two folders each containing work from artists at desk a and b and a list of their credentials and information.

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Ascending in Reverse (book7, Chapter3)

You're a wonderful artist. your sketches are graceful, articulate and very impressive. you have an eye for detail." "thanks mom. i guess i need to hear that every so often. at least from the people that matter most to me."

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Paw Touch-Up Dust-Up (Kinktober: Tickling)

She craned her neck and locked eyes with the artist. "you did what you have to. down. now." "heather," said the artist with a cocky smirk. "falco asked _both_ your feet to be painted!"

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Legend of the Stone Dragon

You see, the artist put his heart into that statue, and in doing so gave it a life of its own. when the artist died, he became one with the art he loved so.

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Troubled Cat-Fox.

Look, i'm growing tired of this, there's a lot of digital artists in communities i belong, there's some awesome traditional artists too, but truth be told: an average digital artist in these communities has more popularity than these awesome traditional artists

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Pierced Pleasure - Chapter One

Luckily, the artist was quick to skew his muzzle while tilting his head back at him. "lemme guess. you've been to places before that claimed to feature zebrican artists, only to find it was just a marketing ploy?"

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Microfiction Collection: Paw Day 2023

Even i don't remember where _exactly_ this picture is from, only that the artist has long since stopped drawing macrofurry smut.

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Microfiction Compilation 2023-01

It's no wonder the artist, sokz, turned it into a ych.

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The End: Chapter 18: The Lingering Question.

However, whomever the artist was, they were clever. in spite of my heightened attention to everyone around me, i still had no leads. it made me start to doubt myself. maybe the artist really was gone? maybe the artist never really was a part of our pack.

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