Commissioned: Kuei and Hokucho

"baba diapie!" he shouted, blushing a little, a withering bit of adulthood feeling ashamed of wanting it. the cabbit smiled and raised his cute butt, slowly sliding a big, poofie diaper under the red-dotted behind and lowering it on it.

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Pokemon - Tale of the Guardian Master - CH 162

Chris affirmed, and as the choir began loudly chanting their final verses, echoing "baba yetu!"

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Spenzaroo and the weird restaurant

Your baba has no flavor. and now, to my belly." says lily. lily took the goodra with her hands and devoured the head completely covered with chocolate syrup.

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five weeks after Daffy Duck fucked Elmyra

Elmyra had heard tales to other students going down there to have sex, or give them selves abortions like baba's had down just three weeks ago when she had found out she had gotten pregnant from one of her many brothers sense than she had gotten on birth control

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Marla Chapter 16 - The Gathering Storm

baba walters was still talking. in the background marla could hear the demonstrators starting to chant, "we want the president! we want the president!"

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Shogin and Andlat's Sleepover

"now, i'm going to make you two adorable baby girls some nice nini babas." they both whimpered into their pacifiers, but knew that protesting was no use. he left the room and both of his captives sat up. shogin pulled the pacifier from his muzzle.

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Daddy's Sugar

An alarm rang as steve finished his baba of hammerhard. he giggled excitedly. "it's time for my live stream!" penn chuckled as he watched his charge waddle over to his playspace, where they had set up a few cameras at different angles.

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Family Values Ch4

"drink your baba, just like you've been dreaming all these months. you finally get to suckle on your daddies seed like a sissy baby." thomas seemed to have a moment of clarity as his son held the bottle to his lips.

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{Babyfur} Toddler At The Workplace (1/2)

May i pweeeease have my baba?" the toddler replies with an innocent smile. "there we go! such a good boy!" he smiles and pats oliver on the head before walking over to the kitchen counter and grabbing the baby bottle.

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El abusador

Hasta este momento parece perfecta, pero tenía un gran antecedente, cada vez que caminaba todos los machos tiraban baba a su paso.

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