Eyes Of Solitude (Chapters 1-5)

Carrie smiled, stood and walked to them as carla scooted up derrick's figure. his phallus remaining erect, carla positioned herself over his crotch and waited.

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Why The Hell Dose My Life Suck!

\*toboe runs towards the door only carla opens it before he gets there. "toboe lets go now!" carla says as she drags toboe outside. "wai-wait what about mark and ella!?! where are they, why aren't they with you!?

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Yay or nay

carla says as she flips her hair out of her face.

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Embracing Fate-Ch 4 You Lose Something But You Gain Another

Sia then took her clothes off and came to my side with carla on the other. "you don't mind sharing do you sis?" sia asked carla. "none at all." carla replied and they both tackled me to the ground on a rug.

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Cadi, Chapter 4

Cadi laughed and gave carla a lopsided smile, "it's alright. gave me a chance to learn that i've got a bit of a healing touch." carla blinked and looked between her and briar. the badger smiled nice and brightly.

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Bart and the rats

He and carla were back in the booth for a late lunch, having worked up an appetite upstairs. "it's not as bad as you'd think," carla said around a mouthful of spiced potatoes. "most of us leave home early.

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Which Way Is The Guatemalan Way?

Karen & carol and carla & carrie soon arrive. "i don't understand why someone would waste their time on something like textiles," carla frets. "it's mostly the same thing over and over again." "carla! the game?"

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The Ticking End Chap 4-6

carla offered. the two agents nodded, pulling out the nearest chairs and began pouring over the 'clues' again.

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The Ticking End

"i'm sorry carla. i don't mean to be angry at you. i'm just frustrated." carla nodded her understanding, knowing he saw the gesture. "it isn't easy working with you..." she joked dryly.

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A Wolf's Melancholy

carla actually wanted to see him for once? he followed carla's elder sister to where he presumed carla was staying. "chris? what are you doing here?" eric asked in surprise. "saving your ass that's what!"

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Story Snippet - Maddened Motherly Mandy

He headed away from the bed a few steps before he blushed, looking over at carla and then kyle. carla smiled to him, "what's wrong?" as she straightened her maternity scrubs a bit.

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