Different kind of Love I - a digimon story

They fought a lot of evil digimon, controlled by the dark digimon called devimon. when they reached a forest, it started raining and they were glad to find an empty villa there. it seemed very old, but it was still ok.

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The Court of The Padded King

Doing that makes you no different than devimon or any other evil monster." agumon says. "well, i don't know agumon.

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Digimon Data Story - Episode VI - Kampf in den Bergen

Etwas aufgeregt war ich schon, denn vielleicht wã¼rden wir den berg betreten, wo einst devimon gewesen war. das digimon, was versucht hatte, die digital world mit black wheels zu ã¼berrollen.

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Digimon: The Final Chronicle (Part 9)

At twelve years old she was dropped into the digital world without warning, only to wind up in the clutches of a devimon who had more on his mind than training, or even feeding. she still had nightmares about those pointed teeth.

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Into ones unknown chapter 5

This had ice devimon turning his head in the opposite direction only to be blinded by a bright light that had engulfed the being before him. renamon crossed her arms and legs in front of her only to quickly slash the air in front of her.

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Zodiac - Chapter 1 - Hsi Wu : The Demon of the Sky

This thing made the fur on the back of his neck stand on end, probably because it reminded him of devimon. another blast of the dark lightning came from the sky and smashed right in front of the strange creature.

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The Cold Dawn Chapter 4

From what i could gather it was a devimon and ladydevimon, evil digimon to be sure and nothing to be trifled with. "don't worry we will get them back."

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F.R.E.Z Kapitel 9.2 Das Bündnis

Wie du bei ice-devimon gesehen hast habe ich bei digimon gefahren mehr möglichkeiten einfluß zu nehmen. doch das was new verletzt hat sind waffen und dinge dieser welt." jira bedrückt, da sie nicht verhindern konnte das new das passiert.

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F.R.E.Z Kapitel 9.1 Das Bündnis

Wie du bei ice-devimon gesehen hast habe ich bei digimon gefahren mehr möglichkeiten einfluß zu nehmen. doch das was new verletzt hat sind waffen und dinge dieser welt." jira bedrückt, da sie nicht verhindern konnte das new das passiert.

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To Break him

Digimon such as devimon, etamon, and piedmon and his dark master underlings, had gladly joined his side. ultimately, he and his coherts had been destroyed, by children of all people.

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The Twelve Talismans:Dimensional Travels - Chapter 39 - Fourth Wall? What Fourth Wall?

From their closest friends like agumon and patamon to their worst enemies like devimon and piedmon... gatomon couldn't help but cringe at the myotismon mannequin. the craftwork was of disturbingly high quality. "where did you get all this?"

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F.R.E.Z Kapitel 11.1 Zu Hause

Sie war es die dich vor ice-devimon geschützt hat und im 5 untergeschoß dein zustand stabilisierte, damit du nicht stirbst." new kann nicht glauben was er hört. das wonach er die ganzen jahre suchte ist in ihm gewesen. ihre seele und energie.

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