Chapter 08 - Thyme After Time - part 13

"everypony knows unicorns do magic... or at least everypony should." "well... we're not exactly from around here," said cassia. "i already knew that," replied the palomino.

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Tigger Tank & A Horn Handled Gun (prequal)

everypony took their position and called out their status. hooves started bringing the many systems to life as various guns and missile lights glimmered in the dim light of the interior.

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Born For Loyalty Chapter 4

"okay everypony now that we got meeting the cute filly out of the way." "i'm not cute! i'm awesome!" dash interrupted with a frown. this got some chuckles from the team. "anyway let's get back to the matter at hand.

01 - One Job

Tock," the sergeant whispered at a level that everypony felt was deafening in this space, "blink us out of here."

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Hearth's Warming Hook-Up

It had made quite the scene when the wonderbolts arrived, everypony cheering loudly and welcoming them to the castle. one pony in particular was especially happy to see them, though for a different reason than the everypony else.

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My Little Pony: Battle for Equestria pt 23

I screamed as i rolled out of the way as well as devon and everypony else. whatever it was, it landed; hard!

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Saving the ponies Chapter 2: I'm falling for you!

Their job was to punish criminals, not uphold the honor of everypony in equestria. he had been hoping a pony would come along that would return scorched to the right path, but instead he had gotten this human.

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Silly Filthy Colts (extreme scat play and other filth)

"mmmm glad i could provide such lovely food for everypony~" he moans out as mac stuffed his face while shitting himself as well.

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The City in Her Chair (Rewrite)

everypony was drooling over her body. everypony was admiring her curves. green never was good at talking to other ponies. stallions were the worst though. they might as well have put a picture of her in the dictionary next to the word "introvert".

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Predilection: CH 3: Parley

"we have to abandon ship, i think i have enough magic to send everypony through the mirror if discord helps. we are outgunned and outnumbered, and we don't know if the gryphons will show up in time."

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