Chapter 236 Crushing Hatred

He slides up against the wall and curls tightly into the fetal position. tears stream down his face onto the floor. "n-no... please just leave me alone!" he pleads while choking back tears. the sound of steps can be heard coming up the stairs.

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A Beneficial Deal: Scrambled Eggs.

His eyes rolled back into his head as he fell onto his side curled up into fetal position rolling around slowly as he waited for the pain to subside. "ohhhhhhhh you really cracked my nuts," he said gently rolling onto his back. "anything remaining?"

Teaser: A Room with a Moose

At once he pulled it tightly to his chest and drew his legs in, curling, so much as a creature of his size could, into a fetal position. he finished by slipping a thumb into his muzzle and began to suck on it as he settled back down.

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Hirsune Pt. 16 - The Round Up

Later, back at the farm, kylenus sat in the shower, letting the hot water soak him thoroughly as he sat in a fetal position on the floor, the water raining down upon him.

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The Pokémon Journey -- the Battle at the Cerulean Gym

Look at you, cowering in the fetal position! you're nothing. you're a worthless pokemon. the only good thing you are for is a penis in your anus!" kelly started to cry.

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Born Anew Unexpected Meeting (Intro)

I said as i tried to stretch out from my fetal position, only to find that when i did, that the top of my prison would come pressing down on my head and bend me back into the fetal position. 'that is where you made your flaw human.

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Changed - Chapter 3

I looked around to see the tiger still on the ground holding his face, duster in the fetal position, and a human kid staring at me. the kid didn't concern me, he obviously didn't want any trouble.

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Ricky vs Kisari [Standard semi-erotic match]

Kisari was in the fetal position holding that ankle panting heavily. he unrolled at the third count and slowly rose; his left ankle being favored slightly.

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Culture Shock

I repeated, still crumpled in the fetal position. "what the hell is wrong with you people?" "calm down," she replied patiently.

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The Simple Life, Chapter 1 : Fenris in The Mornings

I crawled into our queen sized bed, taking up my usual spot in front of him, my petite frame loosely curled into a fetal form, and he lay his arm in the curve of my tiny waist, where it fit like a puzzle piece.

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Dreaming of Crowley

The lizard closed his eyes and got in fetal position. this can't be happening, this can't be happening, this can't be happening, this-- the lizard finally opened his eyes. he was back in their apartment.

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Meet Me at the Warehouse (Patreon Extreme)

His jewelry clanked like symbols as he trotted closer to the other person that was curled up in the fetal position.

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