Friends Forever

You have until sunset which is about six or so flux (about 45 minutes a flux). now, you better do it well or you will repeat everyday." the headmaster grabbed his girls and left the tree.

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Ferrik Heartwood Backstory - Version 1

The world has been in constant flux since the day i slew the last king of the earth. a lot's changed. too much... the gods let me loose when they knew i was needed, as a shadow appeared across the land.

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Everwinter Ch38: Weaver of Lies

It took focus, power, and almost a minute to erect a shield and flush out enough flux, but it worked.

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Everwinter Ch37: Pit of Despair

Aeternus raised on hand and within moments a ball of energy formed that radiated with flux, "flux. gather a lot of it, and direct it into the heart of his crystal parasites with the power of the star." "i see," i said.

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Repaying a Debt Chapter 3

They are very interesting to her for the eyes are always in flux with parts gold or brown. she also sees the true and determination in those eyes. "i believe you." she says finally. rust watched her paint the rest of the day.


Radial Flux: Chapter 1: It Begins

#2 of radial flux chapter 1: mr. cooper lays down the one rule standard warnings, read the tags, don't be underage, blah blah blah.

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Sunbeam Town: Portrait

A restless, inquisitive trans girl whose identity always seems to be in flux. lydia: a fairy cat with butterfly wings and antennae. her fur and wings become iridescent when she's feeling good about herself.

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This time flux happened because jessica made it so...because she used her psychic abilities to cause this time flux i can reverse it...but..." mewtwo trailed off. "what? what is it?" ashley asked with a glint of hope in her heart.

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Truth or Dare 10: Heart of Darkness

"miss stryker if a sympathetic dies in a flux dream they die in real life," charlie said getting to his feet, suddenly angry, "that clear enough for you to understand?

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Everwinter Ch9: Tremors of change

Any spell or construct created by a mage will with time deteriorate into a toxic substance known as flux.

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Everwinter Ch3: Seer of Everwinter

_i've won..._ a nauseating sensation filled my gut as the aether began to feel poisoned with the overwhelming pressure of flux flooding the arena.

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He was at the edge of the light now, but still i could not sense what he was feeling, or see his personal energy flux at all. "oh yes, that very convenient disbelief thing. how quaint." quaint?

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