As Gay as the South is Red prt. 2

"ugh, fuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhck." this hooman couldn't last, sure as soon shootin upon his big burly buds chest in small gaffes and ganders, the big bro awoke, his little upon his chest.

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Warwolf, Chapter 1

"so aside from this little gaffe, how are things?" is he serious? "i need a drink." caught off guard, giftzahn said the first thing that came to mind. "of course, of course."karsten stepped out of the room and shouted "a brandy for the guest, please!"

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In The Mix

"thank you," i pushed the glass away from me ever so slightly, "i know i must be performing a major social gaff here, but i really don't drink." he levelled a steady gaze at me, watching closely.

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Beginners’ pokémon guide

If you anticipate climbing a tree, gaffes which are metal suppers with long spikes to dig into the tree are strapped to your legs. find the easiest path to get there or the safest. going off the marked paths is vary expensive and heavy.

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:8

I've never done an april fools gaff before, as i normally find the whole holiday annoying. turns out so do my fans, so i'm probably never going to do that again. oh well, here's the latest chappy, please enjoy.

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I'm Smiling, Why Aren't You?

This a gaff to you, mel!?" mel rolled his eyes. "i assure you, she's the solution to our problem." sarin put her hands to hips, wearing a proud expression. "yep, that's me. i solve all problems." macron gave a quiet hmm, but morris stood.

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Chapter 16 - From the Desk of Mordecai Crossbell IV

Where a gaffe made by myself would be treated as scandalous, one of these jovial professors it would be seen as charming, if not delightful. i had found the offering of food in the corner and realized just how hungry i had become.

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Carpe Diem, Carpe Pater 2: Reciprocity

I mean, it's nice when some celebrity or politician makes a gaffe (which is bullshit; their truth slips out and then they backpedal) and the internet gangs up on them to put them in their place.

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.hack//EVOLUTION - 02 - Leveling

Masato blushed in real life at his gaffe. "my apologies, i didn't mean to assume. if you want to help other players, i'm most honored to accept you into the tartarga tribe." masato said, offering his hand and member address.

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Lykos 3-06 - Convocation

Unaware of his social gaffe, julio continued, "as i am most sure you are aware, the announcement we made to the world about echo creek being a sanctuary has set our town apart. the decision casts a light on everyone here, especially the school.

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Slave Trade - Censured

"i think, your lordship," lady bulhue noted, her tiny ears bright red from embarrassment at her husband's social gaffe, "everyone is wondering where you got your squab when nobody has yet been served."

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Half-Blood Chapter XXXIII

Much to lucas' amusement, he was obviously was trying to move away from the allison gaffe it seemed. "is dad paying for yours also?" "nope! paying for it by myself," the dingo said before getting up, "the person who sent me here left me his money."

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