M.A.G.I.C : Round Two

She wanted to gauge him, wanted to test him, see where they stood in ranks of magic. larry reached into a pocket, and pulled free what looked like a large, brown wand and held it aloft. "expecto patr-shit!"

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Fur and Flesh

\*whup whup whup\* _that didn't sound very good_, lacrosse checks what gauges remain. "oil pressure good, temperature good, a half tank of fuel..." he stares at the fuel gauge_, half a tank?

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D.E1 Chapter 11: The Blue Comet Part 1

Also, you will be able to see a pressure gauge and oxygen gauge. other gauges like energy and structural damage are optional and you can bring them up under demand.

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Comic Script - Ratchet & Clank: Emergency Power

The gauge for ratchet's side of the machine indicates that it's now "full." sasha's is a little below halfway, however. text block: far too soon...

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Meanwhile: Chapter 3

He paused for a moment to gauge miles' reaction, but for the moment, his face remained as it was when he first heard the news of kate's pregnancy.

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A Month Without

You are currently wearing a custom made titanium chastity cage attached to your new locking 8 gauge jewellery.

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Isolation-Excerpt 17-Asphalt

The rpm gauge dropped to zero and the speedometer began to drop off. i looked down at the gas gauge and found that the needle was resting on empty. i pressed down on the brake and soon the car stopped. i popped the trunk open and climbed out of the car.

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The Deep Lesson

She took hold of my pressure gauges and looked them over. \*your doing well on managing your air. this should be more than enough\* she said. "more than enough for what?" i wondered to myself. she let go of the gauges and began to swim away.

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Isolation-Excerpt 9-The Basement

I opened up the control panel and was met with gauge after gauge and an endless array of switches, none of which i knew how to work. "walk me through this tyler", i said into the radio. "what model are you dealing with?"

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Under The Sundowner Part 10

"excuse me, but are you talking about master gauge? if you are then i can assure you that he goes to great lengths to make sure his uniform is perfect. though a few of us think it might be time for him to get a new parrot lizard."

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R&M Ch. 2

Stepping out of the suv, was johnny with his twelve gauge pump action shotgun. "de ja vu," whispered malichi. "what?"

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I need to man up of fur up... or some lame pun

With a hornet as bait.i shoot 3 inch 12 gauge shells like its nothing and people twice my age complain about recoil.i am willing to do all of this stuff, but i ain't got the guts(or time) to just say i'm a furry to my parents!

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