When the Girls Are Gone...

It looked like they've let him sleep and were already gone. "dammit, i overslept, parents are probably already gone. so whatcha need?" frank yawned again and rubbed the back of his head. "i'm bored, can i come over?." "hell, sure, why not.

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Back and Gone Again

**chapter 5 - back and gone again** james was lead back to his cell, left to be alone. he had no idea how long he had been there, or how much longer he would have to be in there.

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Princess Gone Wild.

Princess gone wild... - by dragonmasterx * * * dawn unfolded a new clear day to the kingdom of troa, birds chirped and fluttered their wings as the morning dew adorned the tall trees that consumed the surroundings of troa's castle.

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Seduction Gone Wrong

[Insert legal stuff here] Also, this is only technically cub. It's between a 17 year old and a 15 year old. Arianna pulled a green t-shirt on over her ample breasts, for-going a bra. The shirt was a little too small, and her nipples were clearly...

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I've Gone this Far.

"i've gone this far, why wouldn't i?" the wolf said as he began to suck on the bear's hard dick. travis could feel the passion rise within him again.

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Gone (chapter 1)

He was truly and utterly unable to bring himself to accept that ruby was gone... gone...gone. he couldn't do it, he just couldn't. he punched a wall of the cave and left the tiniest of indentations in the hard stone wall.

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chapter 7:Gone

That would not have been so bad in itself but kagome had gone into her monthly heat at the same time. of course the human girl had no idea, but the demons in the group knew, especially kouga.

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Test Gone Wrong

Looking around vekk contemplated what could have gone wrong. 'our calculation were all triple checked, quadruple even.'

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While she's gone...

\*ring\* \*ring\* \*ring\* \*click\* I turned off the alarm. "John?" I said through the wall. I waited knowing he was up, just pretending to sleep. "What classes do you have today?" Still waited. "I know you don't want me to go in there." "I'm off...

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Too Far Gone

Patamon said to t.k, "you and me...we are too far gone...."

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A Hunt Gone Awry

Many years ago, a massive dire wolf began terrorizing the many small villages nestled within the Sea of Trees. He would snatch furs from their beds at night and swallow them whole, leaving nothing but a vacant space. The local hunters and trappers...

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The Laboratory Accident Gone…

It had even gone down his tail and quickly covered it from the base to the tip, leaving it hanging at a stiff, immobile angle behind him.

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