A New Life in a New Body: A Talk at Lunch

Not surprising, het temper was legendary she once hit and knocked down a huge brute of a man, weighed at least a half a ton.

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I Know What It Is You Want

"what about nebt-het?" "what about her? she has her own to look after." there must have been a disbelieving frown on his face, because set reached out a hand to come. "come; come and see."

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Friends LIke These Chapter 5 - The Karoke Party

Eotjom a few songs naomi was up and no one saw het track coming as she belted out "before i put another not on my lipstick case you better [it me in my place. hit me with your best shot.

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Friends Like These Chapter 3 - The One With Aces Birthday

She demaned "you now get in here." as het gesturedtoward his bedroom and she followed him in. lesson learned that even the biggest mistakes can be sorted out with wordsnot anger.

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DitD 2 Fanfic

She did not know so she wwent to ate brakefast and tomass was there and he said don't let the dargon in het dungen bit you. instead of her dark greek shit she put on a purple scat and a tub top toe show off her booby tits.

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1:15 The Underground

"doesn't hets usually set you up with the intel?" he asked. alias shook his head. "let's just say i don't work for hets anymore." mick paused for a second, then his jaw dropped. "holy shit!" he exclaimed. jenna furrowed her brow in confusion.

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PMD: Ventures of Beyond CH:3

"that's not important let's just het home." shiro said walking over to her. over the next few hours they walked home in silence until they got out of riverside hills.

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Casual day at the Dearly Farm

het licked across his throbbing member and lucky stiffened in pleasure. "oh yes, that's it..." then he carefully wrapped his muzzle around lucky's tip. "oh, yes!"

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New Year in Spoonerville

I have tried to het boys from my kindergarten to do it with me and tried with my brother, but the boys from my kindergarten doesn't want to play with a girl and my brother never even want to hear what the game is before he says no, but do you wanna?

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Ebony work out

He thrusts agaisnt her in hopes of hitting het button and gets lucky in three trys. she moans and gasps as she gets impaled on his cock. she slowly presses back till he is hilted, there she rolls her hips and rocks them.

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The isles of love

His barbs tickled her, and only made it harder for het to keep from reaching her orgasm.

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Devolution: Chapter 1

"het bentley! we're waitin for...whia. hot! oh yeah. i'm gettin some of this!" the wolf approached the two and bentley's eyes shot open. he pushed away from allice and took a stance in front of her, growling deeply at the wolf. "oh! sh-shit!!"

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