Hybrid: Working out the Kinks

A rena-dragon hybrid is an interesting mix, you should be honored. your material has to be considered just right for such a position." "really?"

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Hybrid Whores - Chapter 2

#2 of hybrid whores chapter two: kitty gets to watch a live show. the rest of the afternoon for the two passed by pretty fast, kit had filled the cat girl in with what to expect and how things ran.

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Curse Of The Dungeon Boss; The Hybrid Spell

"i understand there are some that wish to include their entire family in becoming hybrids. for those that wish their children to become hybrid with them i will accede to your request.

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The Hybrid War Chronicles Part 2

I sighed "it all happened 16 years ago...i was 14 years old at the time and me and my family went out to the park to enjoy the blissful sunrise when hybrid troops thought my parents were soldiers and fired at us. my mother was shot in the leg and my father

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Burying Bones Chapter 5: Hybrids

Guess humans evolve a bit themselves when they give birth to hybrids. i wonder if it will fall off or something after i give birth." alex asks out loud to no one in particular.

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Hybrid: CH 13: The Final Requiem

#13 of hybrid: child of time the final installment of lilith's tale. one fight more and her mission would be complete, but in the end will she have the strength to do what must be done?

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Hybrid: CH 10*: Desires of the Flesh

#10 of hybrid: child of time (the obligatory chapter containing sex because i was a cock tease last time...)

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Hybrid: CH 7: Unconventional Reunions

#7 of hybrid: child of time a reunion of sorts. the word doctor normally meant physician or healer... but to the changelings that had been connected to ardith's mind when she had first met dr. whooves the word meant something different.

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Hybrid: CH 6: Blood Stains

#6 of hybrid: child of time lilith's conscience will be forever stained, regardless of the color of the blood spilled. lilith flew with all haste from the town, she had just committed murder...

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Hybrid: CH 5*: Pegasi Psychopathy

#5 of hybrid: child of time equestria is not the kindest place to be. lilith unfortunately finds that not every pony is as nice as they first appear. "forgetting to ask directions to the capital city was a nice oversight."

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Hybrid: CH 4*: Beginning Anew

#4 of hybrid: child of time the apple family stretches back through the history of equestria, these kind hearted folk stumble across lilith. lilith, tired and slowly recovering, stumbled from the edge of the everfree forest.

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