Summer Heat – Chapter 8: Unexpected events

At the end of the week he decided to check his emails while mara used his second laptop to check on the website if the applications of the girls were already submitted. "holy cow, what is this?" zen looked up to mara.

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Of Warlords and Pleasures: Ferahgo the Assassin

"i told you you'd pay, mara." the warlord winked; then thrust harshly into mara's taut virginity. the badgermaid shrieked horribly, pinned to the sand by ferahgo's paws and weight.

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From the Diary of Jun - Excerpt 13: Honeymoon

"mara, i would love to take you up on your offer. though i've never played before." "oh, don't you worry none. i can teach you..." it went about how you'd guess. lily, with mara guiding her, against me.

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Mara's Servant. (Alternate ending, soft vore.)

mara's servant  mara walked the smooth, stone paved streets of mivat, claws scratching over the stone lightly.

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Summer Heat – Chapter 4: Birthday Party

The months got to an end and so came the next month august and the birthday of mara closed in.

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Summer Heat – Chapter 27: Reasons

She asked while she closed the bottle with the medicine and sat back to continue her chat with mara. "and lily, yes.

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Summer Heat – Chapter 12: Reports

Zen talked a long time with mara and pondered over the mail long after mara went to bed. when he turned off his laptops he had started a report with the wired laptop about the school.

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Academ: Prologue

While mara stared at her mentor wide-eyed and amazed, ridel added quietly, "and mara, dear. if you can't.

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Dolphin Family (part 2) - Mother's Love

mara sensed his discomfort and asked: "darsu, you okay? you seem worried or something."

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Lessons With Mara: Summoning

mara remained patient only because her mentor drip-fed secrets that helped her try to catch some semblance of understanding and at the same time, mara understood that she was lacking patience.

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