Tale From the Synth - Series One - Chapter Four -

A lot of parents get the _other_model, which has polymer plating, rubberised pads on its thighs, forearms, shoulders, etc. squeaky here," roan gently stroked squeaky's ears, seemingly soothing the quivering synth.

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Cistern: The Grunge Pit: Part 1

The strip of polymer turned from bright orange to a deep, dark emerald green.

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Solis Part 8

Some wooden, some black with polymer grips. it was like time was frozen here. "now little one, tell me why you here." his tone turned serious, and he looked like he was ready to crush me.

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Synthetic Unlife

Oh how bright her polymer fur was back then, before the sun had bleached it and it had grown so brittle.


the empty city - chapter 2

As the combination of steel, polymers, and plastics hung at his side, jake felt a great sense of power come over him.

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Fight Scene

When the room calmed, polymer paper sheets littered the depressurized space. the boxer had his fist jammed through the window, packed tight with debris.

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155 Skills With The Lance

We didn't need shields because the bikes had a sort of small, shield-shaped windscreen at the front made of polymer diamond that hosted the heads-up-display, so you could duck behind it to deflect things.

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Chapter 6

The smell of new polymers and fresh materials was a pleasant change from what the jefferson originally arrived into my paws with. cushy rubberized foam now lined all the floors, which felt wonderful under my paws.

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But the situation here was nothing of the sort: the spyglass was always unmanned--its chrome and polymer casing lurking juuuuust in the range of my sightline like some manner of predator waiting to pounce.

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As his full weight came to rest on the rigid polymer, he heard yet another crack and felt the ground shudder beneath him anew.

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Part I – Dark Times in Glow City

The multi-limbed machination unfolded with a whirl of servos and pneumatics, the artificial dervish a virtual flurry of hard steel, heavy plastic polymers, and synthetic rubber gaskets.

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Tom's Story, part 1 of 3

The bodysuit moved and stretched with him, but the polymer could stop small arms fire. it had saved his life on more than one mission.

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