Kaiju ga Gotoku 2.7 - The Atlantean

"i am the captain of our local team, demonstrating in the tokyo-ping pong championships, the highest and most esteemed of ping-poing championships in all east asia!"

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Drunk Actions, Sober Thoughts

We got your choice of beer pong, rage cage, kings cup, any drink related game we can do down here." olli stared at amazement of the downstairs. forget the kitchen the living room was huge.

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The Christina Situation : Chapter One

Furs of all kinds were talking and laughing, a group in the adjoining kitchen were even playing beer pong. she looked around and her eyes met the gaze of a rottweiler and greyhound who were making out on the other sofa.

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Flying Mile High Chapter 3

He looked up at gwen and his jaw dropped wide open and his eyes went as round as ping pong balls. gwen burst out laughing from the priceless look on his boyfriend's face, until he handed her the interphone. "ohhhh!. captain!.

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Extreme Measures - Part 1

She then pulled from her lap a pair of ping pong balls and a small sock. she placed the balls into the sock and held it dangling for eileen to see.

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Pride Bay. Chapter Two.

Dylan asked repeating marty's own previous question back to him as if they were playing ping pong. more like beer pong as another round was served. "working mostly. got to get my car up 'n runnin'. then i won't need to drag this guy around?"

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MoonDust, Chapter 15

"don't tell me the folks at santbech let you loose without learning lunar ping-pong?" "i'm afraid so." "that will never do." a serious expression fell over his features and he shook his head.

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Swallow Your Pride (By OpossumMouse)

A ping pong table with a beer pong kit on top, leather couches against the walls, kegs, an inside paddling pool. it would almost be innocent if it weren't for the clear plastic sheets sticking out of a storage box and the lingering scent of urine.

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Swallow Your Pride (WARNING: Watersports)

A ping pong table with a beer pong kit on top, leather couches against the walls, kegs, an inside paddling pool. it would almost be innocent if it weren't for the clear plastic sheets sticking out of a storage box and the lingering scent of urine.

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001 - The Fable Of Feigh!

Okay, you see i'm lucky and not in the i won beer pong one too many times, i mean no matter what no ill can befall me. all the opportunities and access to chances that arn't typically given by us touched by the 'tism.

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Sleeping With The Enemy - Morning Breakfast

"well i fell asleep on the couch and you came out in your boxers... and you got on me, it kind of went from there, by the way, you left your paddle on the floor" he smiled pointing to the ping pong paddle laying on the floor covered in a few strings of cum

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Filthy: Chapter 4

Coby's world was filled with exhaustion, heat and a really bad pong in the air. there was a loud _bang_! and he was pulled back into his world. he noticed he was slumped against a grand oak tree, its branches looming over him as he looked up. "oh!

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