Pawford, Ch 8: Here We Go Again

prude? who did he think he was dealing with? i was just as much of a free spirit as he was.

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A Visit to the Family - Part One (A Jeeves Prompt)

A prude wouldn't be nearly as accepting as you are of all this. mom and dad? now, t-they're prudes. if they were sitting here right now, they'd be insisting that they didn't want to hear a peep of sex for as long as they were in this house.

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Who Is The Master?

Part confused over how rebecca was being so totally submissive to her own lucario, and how she seemed like a totally different person from the prude she knew as her master.

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Teaser: Sleepover At Samantha's, Part II

Vicky sat next to alexander on the couch, bristling, pretending to watch but thinking furiously how she might get back at samantha for being such a prude.

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Sword of St. Michael #1

Devilah looked away and muttered, "prude" under her breath. "goodnight dear companion," sampson said, laying back in his bed and closing his eyes. "goodfrump" said the succubus, frustrated yet again. | [!

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Road Rovers Coming Out

Nothing was happening at their sorority house-as usual-because kappa thetas are prudes, and colleen is so sorry she pledged. there is this club down on university row called the experience that everybody said was totally slamming.

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The Mirror

Your species is... prude. - - what? - i was surprised - you know you don't like to even speak about sex. - - but... but... it's not true. - i told him and laughed. it was not true because we used to speak about sex.

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The Witching Hour (By Jeeves)

Such was the terror tali felt at the mere thought of being labelled as... a prude. close by, but cuddled up in their own twosome, were the two dragons of the household.

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This is Normal

Something to make the prudes gasp and the pervs jealous. instead, as i sat there jerking my giant cock, my muzzle buried in its crotch and eagerly slurping its pungent dick, all it did was look down at me and ask "want a drink, too?" a common courtesy!

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Pest Control - Part Five

The clan still had not yet found a permanent place to call home, a place where they would not be attacked by knights who believed them to be monsters, or by prudes who did not agree with the liberal, pleasure-seeking lives of togetherness and shared indulgence

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Seiko no Oni - Ona ga nihiki imasu

The blue oni knew his friend wasn't a prude, but didn't think he indulged in any homosexual fun. sure, they fucked the same woman at the same time before, but that hardly counted.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 2.5 Bannihar

"oh come on, you prude." elesin waved the objection away, "you're a male and i'm a female... we're both pent up and we can both do something about it." she loosened the ties on her breeches, "are you saying i'm not good enough for you?"

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