Dante's Awakening Chapter 12.

"blood sickness...you did wonder about it as a side effect," dante commented, between heaves. "i was kind of hoping this would only happen if the spell went wrong!" rena exclaimed, recoiling from her own mess. "it didn't though, did it?"

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Zay the Katana

The day had started like every other day. I dragged myself away from my favorite world of dreams, I showered, fed myself, then finally woke up. I'd finished my algebra and U.S. Studies homework the night before and was ready for another dreaded day of...

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Lost in The Forest

It was a foggy morning as Nishu, a black fox with white tips on his ears and tail, was walking through he woods. He had his bow over his back and an Axe over his shoulder as he was heading off to cut down a tree for fire wood. As he walked he heard...

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Sickly Sweet [Mini-Fic]

Janna could feel her body tensing up as she surveyed the mansion before her - past the gold-plated gates she found herself barred by. The expansive demesne stretched well beyond her field of vision; and the land upon which it sat was populated by more...

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Chapter 1: Hibernation Sickness

Barge of bast chapter 1: hibernation sickness gaia caza sat in the captain's chair on the bridge of the sss aurora.

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Hunting Death- Sick Fey

While i rushed to go and get some water to help cool him down one of the two mercs had apparently cast a spell and found that the reason for the fey's sickness was that a magic parasite was drinking them dry.

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End of Illness; Beginning of Sickness

Chapter 3: the end of illness; a beginning to sickness sonic stretched himself upon the bed. he lost himself in thoughts of the drawer's contents. the papers told of supposedly ancient stories of a girl and her hedgehog.

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Feed the Hungry, Heal the Sick

Feed the Hungry, Heal the Sick by Athalon> A fevered wolf self-snuggled the quilted robe around his sweatered fur, settling in with winter stillness to receiving arms, the padded wingback close before a solitary dying fire. His...

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Chapter 5: In Sickness and in Health

The last thing he wanted to see was his companion suffering through this sort of sickness un-aided. he squeezed ty tightly. "don't worry, babe. you've got me," he said, planting a kiss on the top of ty's head and ruffling his fur.

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Sick Day (Cow TF)

Kate called in sick that morning. Nothing big; headache and congestion, but it was just enough for the manager to insist she stay home. She lied in bed on her back, covers up to her waist, TV on and set to morning news. A very proper looking young lady...

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Chapter 10: Sick day

Chapter 10 Sick day I woke up alone. I'd woken up by myself for as long as I can remember but this was my first time waking up alone. Having experience the warmth, comfort and security of being physically and emotionally close to people having...

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Guro Challenge #13: Sickness

Groddil left his chair and backed up, trembling, trying not to drop the flagon. Dark wine trickled down his chin, and he licked his lips guiltily. "I'm so sorry, sire, I'm sorry. It-it looked just like my water jug, I wasn't paying attention... I'm...

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