Teaser - Catholic Bitch: 21 Jump Treat

One would think that the other humans would watch their damned dogs during the fifteen minute break, but some of them were smokers, too, or just wanted to play on their phones, and that left the students mostly to mill around in the common area.

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Djabo's true comings...

His father was a small drinker and a small smoker, along with abusive of his mother. when he left with his mother to the store or forest hunting for food, dran had to council her in staying alive and being happy. with this, dran wasn't happy.

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BLOOD TIES - Prologue

It didn't make the middle aged cigar smoker look well. i was afraid we'd have to call an ambulance soon. here i sat on the table in front of sean with him just staring down at me.

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Spring Break Chapter 6

"gotta catch me first, cock smoker." he taunted, turning tail and making a dash for the pier. the irate, hungover rat stumbled after him, arms swinging wildly and bellowing incoherently as he gave chase.

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Placing the leash of the devil in the hands of a timid lamb

Her hand flowed away from beneath her fingertips, the eyes surging toward her before vanishing startlingly right in front of her face immediately before she felt the file snatched from her hand, vanishing into the darkness before a voice like a cigarette smoker

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TCN Interview, Donald and Daniel Orr

smokers annoy me, no, not vappers, those i don't mind, it doesn't smell bad. it the retards who insist on smoking cigarettes. not only do those things stink, but they're killing those around them. they should be illegal.

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A Wolf on Sauria Ch.10 / Caught at last

You talk about a professional dick smoker. you stick your dick in that vixen and she just about won't let the sum bitch go. lass could suck an asteroid through a garden hose.

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Arctic Servant Chapter 1

At first, i had thought it a good thing, a friend on the streets might have been beneficial, but, much to my chagrin, he instead informed everyone in the soup kitchen that i was, as he quite rudely put it, a cock-sucking pole-smoker.

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Under the blood moon- The begining

I'm a chronic smoker and a loc drinker. you might ask me why do i let them do that shit to me. i like being under the radar so people don't drag me into their drama bullshit. so i guess you could say i enjoy my peace. " hey faggot!

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Trick or Treat: Chapter 3 (Patreon Premium)

Mainly some rather naughty kinks, but also that she was a smoker. from behind his back, malek conjured a pack of cigarettes and then held them out in front of him in an offering manner.

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Dog of War

Would he have been a smoker he would have lit a cigarette, yet lucian was no smoker, he never liked the taste. he tipped the species designed custom helmet, idly scratching underneath the hot metal.


Futzler Files #1: Just Another Manic Wednesday

_well, it's not my preferred lombardi time, but i should be able to sneak in a quick visit to the smoker's lounge before anyone notices i'm not at my desk. _

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