Alisaria's New Favorite Bar

"he's... probably addicted to steroids..." alis smiles and reaches up and kisses grind on the cheek and she presses her head against his chest again. "people who use steroids are just wannabes..."

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Stress Relief

The guy's an ass who pops more than just steroids and screams into a mic about death and rape and stuff. i prefer my music to have a better taste, thanks." sarah chuckled.

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Summertime Muscles

She had a point; just hearing it made rock feel silly for not trying out the special steroids at home so he could get used to the new body.

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Just Once: Banks are Just Lovely

Two more attacked a lion that looked like mayor lionheart's steroid-abusing love child with freddy krueger, and you can guess how that went over. the janitors, both hypocritical religious nuts, prayed later that day for his destruction.

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Ch. 2 welcome to hells corner

At one point a raging panther that looked like it was on steroids lunged at me with a large knife. alex turned him into swiss cheese just as he was about to stab me. the dead panther landed on top of me i shrugged him off and said "thanks".

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Chapter XXIII: White darkness

"you only started taking steroids so you could become strong enough to beat up your own father one day. is _that_ what you want? revenge? little one, you'll be just like him if you'd do that!"

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Chapter XVI: Watch and learn

On the contrary, aran had started to teach himself how to box and had begun to take steroids to build his strength, so he could beat up his father the next time he would run into that pathetic pile of canine fur.

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Surface (Chapter 6)

She'd combined the neural connection acceleration and metabolism-boosting effects of smart drugs and steroids and found a way to neutralize their negative side-effects to give its users the perceptiveness and physical capacity to still not be taken advantage

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The Sleepers

steroids and mannitol decreased edema and he seemed to improve clinically. however, he too had progressed into a hypertonic state and decorticate posturing. insensitive to stimuli.

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TOKYO ZONE Episode 2 M.A.D Mission

"now that's, one nazi alien on steroids." mai joked. as general zaptor began to fight the four furry fighters, the four battled him intensely, but he was to powerful. meanwhile, tafu went to the human and freed him. "thanks, furry lizard thing?"

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Janet the skunk in feminism

I have overian steroids hyena style!", mocked janet. "was that a rape threat?", asked the silver fox. "yes because as all good species scientists of the fourth wave know, no hyena isn't a rapist! heil fotze! heil hillary!

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Change his Mind - part 2

If i thought brutus was using steroids, i can now say with certainty that he is not. no male on steroids has balls that large, most of them i hear have shrivelled up sacs since their bodies no longer produce their own testosterone.

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