Apocalypse book Chapter 1

Long (well, what's long for a man), blonde hair after thinking on his brother's recent traumatic experience, he couldn't help feeling sorry.


The Dark Secret of the Great War. (Chapter 1 'At the start' Pg1)

Later on that night i found myself laying in bed thinking of that necklace imagining the sheer destruction and traumatic events one could course with such power at their command, i'm thankful that such power does not exist...

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Orchid Chapter 9 - All the Dawn Deserves

I stood up to my feet and faced her, a glare from her alone could kill a man and traumatize another, but still i faced her. i knew what i was fighting for. "give me more time, i'll find the flower you wanted me to find." she shook her head.

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Uni Character

They took uni to the farm to hopefully recover where sif immediate took charge of caring for the heavily traumatized uni.

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Character Data: Daniel D. Yote

Psychological profile: suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. somewhat anti-social and neurotic, especially in large crowds.

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Game Over

He snarled and snapped at the scarred doe who stood before him, terrible pale lines of traumatic injuries marred her muzzle neck and paws, as she narrowed her eyes and glared at him with a look of predatory rage and hatred. "remember me?

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Light Bane: Chapter 28

"i know that place holds terrible and traumatic memories for you. if you don't want to go, i understand." "i...can't go on and turn my back on my past. i am a dragon. there will always a day in my long life that i will go home.

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Chapter 2. Exploring his secret

She had been kidnapped and had gone through a scary and traumatic experience. if he followed his instincts, it could only end up worse. gradually, his penis began to retreat into his sheath, and he gave a sad sigh.

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The Wolf Boy - Chapter 1 - A Tragedy

I also think he is too traumatized to go through the process of an orphanage. he is 15..." the lady stops and the judge interrupts.

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Failed Containment: Chapter 18 - Trigger Happy

You are traumatized, and suffering post traumatic stress disorder manifesting in paranoid delusional psychosis. tsk tsk tsk. a terrible tragedy, to be sure.

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The Digimon Wars Continued Chapter 4 Unexcepted Friends

They slept the night outside but other than that they're fine, well traumatized but alive.'' katie nodded. ''yeah, this expiriense must have been horrible for them.'' ''oh please, the world trade center attack was horrible for them.

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The Test

Some say these tests can fuck with your head and can leave you traumatized. if a goddess becomes traumatized, they are striped of rank and pushed into the world of mortals to live a life of solitude. i shiver at the thought.

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