The New Chicago Fires

They're the lazero's rival family and it's the strongest rivalry in chicago. i mean the kind where they'd shoot at each other in broad day light given the chance, and they often do before police arrive.

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I Can't See The Forest For The Trees, Part 4

I'm alive today because of both you and your new mate; we have been rivals for many summers, jacob was against the rivalry at first, and has many scars to prove it.

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Character Descriptions

The two often appear to be at rivalry with each other, but that rivalry is rooted in a much deeper caring and appreciation. zach's fur pattern is almost identical to his older brother's.

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GoM- Ep3-Welcome to SIU

He would have developed a crush on alexandria, a girl younger than him living in the same dorm building, a rivalry with bryce the same age as him also competing for her attention.

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Commission: Believe in Yourself!

It's just rivalry. it doesn't mean i'm worthless, he just wants me to think it."yeah, i am." he looked the tiger in the eye and folded his arms. "why?"the tiger paused, laughed as if at a private joke and said, "nnn... never mind."

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Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #3 - Black-and-Orange Market

"there's always been a bit of sibling rivalry between us. blood is blood and we always have that bond, but we've always tried to out do one another. we wish each other the best and then compare stats at the end of the game.

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Inside by NEFFEX

Options in this world, can't pick and choose, yeah everybody's life is on display including you yet i feel everyday is just the same stuck in a loop i need some variety i'm sick of this anxiety i'm sick of this society they make us feel a rivalry


Becoming His Consort: Part One

There's a rivalry between nobles but, well, vaile perhaps should have taken better note of who controls the power of inner circles.

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PMD The Warrior's of Light

"looks like i got myself a good close combat arrival huh, that's great, now untie me please" caden begged happy to know he's got rivalry, jason lends caden a hand after untying him pulling him up with good manners.

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Tiger fists of love

Sheng looked at both of his best students, feeling an aura of rivalry covering the future battlefield the yard was about to turn into.

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