The Traveling Salesman Chap 1

Observing as the noodle like equine cock slithers out of miguel's rump. the stallion's former pride, now so thick and soft, so useless and impotent. "miguel, how are you doing down there?" "i am verrry well senor!"

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Have a cow

The hard shaft slithered through his hands, when done growing his boner was bigger than a full grown bull cock! then all of a sudden his balls began to swell to match the size of his new equipment. his balls grew to the size of a male cows testicles.

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Beasts of Burden (Chapter 2)

William looked at andres crotch again, his heartbeat quickening as he watched andre's cock slither a little further down his pantleg.

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Flexible Infection, Up a Tree

A huge, pink, member slithered free of my groin, two heavy balls descending almost instantly under it.

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Things That Go Hump in the Night

David's heart was pounding in his chest as the goliath cock slithered its way towards him. more and more of the monstrous cock spilled out of the closet as it crept ever closer to him. there was no way all of that had managed to fit inside that room.

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Hunting Grounds of the Viper Dragoness

Once the larger drake had pulled out completely, his cock slithered back up into his slit, leaving his mate gaped, tender, soaking wet, musky, and needy. "don't you dare leave on me, kloog!" lars warned, chin still pressed to the blanket. "sorry!

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The Dream That turned Real - The Canine Underworld - Part 10

As mike started slowly thrusting into feral, the wolf started stroking his sheath until his fourteen-inch red member slithered out into the human's waiting maw, who gobbled it down like it was the only thing he wanted.

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How to Tame a Gryphoness

She twisted again and watched as his thick, dark red member slithered out of her body. she tried to keep her eyes off the massive spear, instead focusing on her abused body, but her eyes kept wandering back to it.

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The inn at the end of the road (bear/human smut)

Its massive cock slithered forth as the sheath retracted, slick and oily. she could even smell it. it was gross and feral but it was thick and long and hard, too.

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._ ponyboy pulled back on his antlers and tiz watched half an inch of his cock slither out. he knew what to do, but he had to wait to be told. until then, he simply breathed, and enjoyed ponyboy's smell. "open your mouth."

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Infesting the Park

He was already squirming, gasping, panting for breath as bellamy's dick slithered further and further into him, and the sight was more than enough to force warren's cock out into the open.

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Friends Aren't Food!

He wrapped his hands around the base and squeezed before running his hands to the tip as it parted, roo cock slithering out. he rubbed the tip and length as it unfolded out, becoming thicker as he played with it. soon it passed the two foot mark.

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