Anonymous Gifts

More if you want to really have fun with the low gravity." "right? i've wanted to go for a while but... ugh, it's so hard to get ahead enough to let myself take a week off. i'd just wind up working from the vacation and then it's worse.

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STar Tiger, Moon Girl, Chapter 5

Fortunately the low gravity also meant that his landing wasn't that bad, and he'd been able to twist and get his feet under him. he crouched in the garden courtyard below and met the eyes of a startled guardswoman who he'd nearly landed on top of.

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One Wrong Turn: Final Chp 5-9

The low gravity made shuttling to orbit relatively easy and the atmosphere meant they didn't need to construct costly sealed habitations. it was an excellent staging area for the forces of the empire and seemed forever busy.

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Grievance of the Dragoness (Breeding Game Prequel)

Floating rooms bounced up and down in the low gravity on either side, and she walked among them until she found the long room that she was looking for.

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Deep Space Penetration

"you don't function well in low gravity." atlas purred as he turned lin toward the bed's headboard, where he could hold himself in place.

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Archmage Prostitution

Nobody had built a bridge of the titular brook that split the path, but considering the low gravity, he imagined most people just jumped across the ten foot gap.

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Learning to Soar

I could feel him thrust into me with every beat of his wings, his effort to stay aloft joined with his effort to give me his love, a task made easier, no, even possible by the moon's extremely low gravity.

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Rise of Dragons

It is important to note that thanks to the low gravity, one can fall for a longer period and cover more distance while doing so.

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Star Tiger, Moon Girl, Chapter 3

He was almost bouncing in the low gravity as they walked, taking far higher strides than strictly necessary. his whiskers will still twitching and his tail lashing. "feeling a little hyperactive?" asked luna with a smile.

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A Movable Fortress

He knew that frederik had a habit of getting so absorbed in his own schemes that he would often forget obvious details such as being on a low-gravity spatial body. plus, his amphetamine habit probably did help things much as well.

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Mira (F/F, F/M vore, digestion, mild scat)

My ancestors got their long tails because we were altered to work in low-gravity environments.

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Lifting his tail up in the low-gravity chamber required an effortless flick... krelian didn't even bother to stop himself from moaning when he pushed the dildo just past his tailhole.

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