The Warrior's Dove Ch:13 Pt 1

A shadowed creature, the same that brought me here. hooks dug and tore downwards from the chains weight; blood poured down the black canvas that was the armor it wore. 'no cloak?'

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The Legend Of Spyro-Perils Of War CH 10

Suddenly a strange shadow creature burst out of a ruined building. spyro watched as a large group of strange bipedal machines charge the strange creature.

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The Dragon's Paladin Chapter 9: The town of Trost

"then i pounced on the shadow creatures, claws ripping at their throat, flames coating everything! i could have flown away, of course.

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Smoke and Mirrors

She felt a shiver course through her body as the shadow creatures tongue lapped out to slide across her inner thigh as it strained forward, its soft oral organ scraping softly across her sensitive skin.

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Blood on Ice - Chapter Seventeen

The shadow creature in the room eventually vanished like a thin veil of smoke, and midnight and i were too tired to stay up much longer so we drifted off to sleep.

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A Different World Chapter Two: A Reason for Being

And just as soon as the hooded shadow creature appeared to survey the area, it vanished, leaving the darkening forest to itself.

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chapter 4: Where the Shadows Lay

"so when do these...shadow creatures came in?" "oh they are not shadows. your eyes haven't adjusted yet. take your time, and you'll find that they are just like us."

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Spyro: Return of Darkness, Chapter 15 -- The Second Portal

They'd travelled to the depths of the fortress, eradicating fifteen huge trolls and countless small shadow creatures on the long and tiring trek, and were now fighting a huge mechanical guardian.

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The Shadows Book Two: The Legacy of Man and Machine - Chapter Eleven

"it's the shadow creature..." skip told him, and loran stared at the otter, who grinned at him. "listen...i...i'm probably not going to make it...when he grabbed my arm...he took away my power...i can't regenerate..."

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She hailed from a nameless race of creatures reviled by my people for their ghastly appearance in the shadows. creatures with a most strange source of sustenance.

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Chapter 5: Masked Combat

Blinking his eyes clear after the dazzling burst he saw that the figure in the box had left with the odd shadow creature so with a shudder at the thought of what had happened to his competitor the wolf turned from the arena and walked toward the door.

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The Prison

He had often seen shadow-creatures take the form of animals, and even specifically wolves, but not one that walked upright like a woman, complete with hair and an attractive form -- wrapped in a black dress for dignity.

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