
It was a tough burden to bear, but they weren't worried; their wedding night would more than make up for their withdrawal. veronica had inquired several times about rings, but kirek told her that she didn't need to worry.

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A Failed Duty - Epilogue: 1st Letter - Read me first

The devourers came on my wedding night, killing my first wife and almost killing me. seven others survived, your sister and oldest brothers. together, we came up with the plan to defeat the devourers.

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Tina's Story- Chapter 96 Passages, the Conclusion - A Gray Muzzle story

He had never been with a woman before their wedding night. now, it seems he wanted to make up for lost time. he and felicia made love at every possible opportunity. in the ocean. in the bushes at the hotel. standing in the shower.

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Part – 18

"i would never touch a man, not even my true love until my wedding night. my father forbade our union and asked the village priest to do something to keep us apart. i guess that man was not as holy as we thought he was." "they seldom are.


Icy Touch

night was he having this much pleasure, and then it happened, stars were in his eyes and he went blank as he shot his load across the bed in a pain filled moan of orgasmic bliss, his ass clamped down onto the trolls cock which made him hiss, an artic cold

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My gym partner's a monkey: Ingrid's Time

While ingrid was dreaming that she was at her prom night with adam or on adam's and her wedding night alone together in their honeymoon hotel room. "uh, uh, uh, uh... uhh!" moaned adam "oh, oh, oh, oh... ohhh adam!" moaned ingrid.

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Prima Nocta (Dark)

Prima nocta is the semi-historical legal right of a monarch to have sex with any female subject, particularly on her wedding night.

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The Kitten and the Bear: Second Heat

"look how hard you got me kitten, i haven't been this horny since our wedding night..." lionel said, stepping out of his pants and kicking them aside. "i remember, you made me tell everyone i was getting tired so we could leave the reception early."

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A Shocking Diagnosis

The male tried to ignore flashbacks to doing dragon's pose on his wedding night, and the memory of his ball's departed twin disintegrating between his wife's toes.

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Fire and Ice - Chapter Three - A Bond Is Forged

Jessica gasped and pushed herself out of his grasp, then giggled like a maiden doe on her wedding night and almost as if she were an ethereal ghost, she slipped through his clumsy grasp he made for her, and moved gracefully behind him, her sharp

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We can Coincide Chapter 9: Snowfall

I lightly punched his arm, "yeah but you'll have to on wedding night." he lowered his head slightly and pitifully let out, "i know..." "oh i see yea finally got yer' ring lu."

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A Dragon's Awakening - Chapter 3

"um, bahamut, you realise they still have yet to seal their wedding night, right? even with the unfortunate events that happened, they are still mates, but only in name.

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