Chapter X, Chained

The crocodile made a mighty leap, or as mighty as his corpulent body could leap... "th...!"

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From Hell

In front of me stood a corpulent wolf. the stench of alcohol on his breath made me shudder. "paw 15, blow 30, fucking 50", i lovelessly drone my standard speech. the nameless wolf nodded and pulled a few bucks out of his pocket.

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Jellystone's showers

Ranger jones wasn´t wearing anything more than a towel, and the sight of his naked corpulence made ranger smith and the two bears to have another erection, but then ranger jones asked once again: "what the fuck is happening here, ranger smith?"

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Work (TWC ch2)

She explained, as she presented herself to the cook, a corpulent man with a bald head and a thick, black, beard. the man smiled amiably down at the girl. "well lucky me, i've been complained i needed a helper since i lost that other girl."

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Adipose City Side Dishes: A Slice of the Pie

Though far away from the hustle and bustle of that crossroad of the rotund post-peak world, queensland confectionaries was no less corpulent or involved then their american friends.

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Spare Guard Dog

After a while i saw him: a middle aged, bold man, corpulent but firm, with strong muscular arms and a hands like a butcher.

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Commission - The Hyena's Kingdom - P7

She felt corpulent and useless, as if this was supposed to be some way to mourn her husband so that scar did not have to see her every day.

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IZ Fanfic: The Alien in the Backrooms (Reader x Pred)

However, the tunic and leggings seem to be far too small to contain his huge, corpulent frame as his massive belly is poking out from underneath and the seams on his leggings are beginning to rip from his dumptruck of a derriere.

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Journal Entry, A Usual Night to Remember

The most muscular or corpulent we can get is as much as possible without limiting our mobility, though this is debated. as far as endowments, there doesn't appear to be much of a limit on that.

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Adipose City: Cherry Pop's Day Off

Three stories stretching the length of a city block crammed with stores selling clothes, music, games, and all the other trinkets the corpulent consumer culture of adipose city craved.

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Do Androids Eat Electric Sheep?

He pressed his chubby pelvis to her corpulent ass, and his hunky gut bulged against the peaks of her cheeks. his spearhead met her port, and he found her warm and wet.

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The French Confection - Episode 2 (BBW, Burping)

At another table, carmelita saw a corpulent elephant. her breasts spread broad atop her gut, which draped itself in so many folds over her hefty thighs. her ass filled two chairs. she rubbed her stomach lazily.

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