Card Games

October put all of the cards back in the deck and picked up his winnings before handing the deck back to tulip, "you never won because of the shiny cards he likes to use.

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With the vixen's brain communicating only with the deck, an ai program running separately in the deck could communicate with her body and work it like a fleshpuppet.

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Chapter Seven The Rescue Mission

The deck was a scene of mass activity, men directing planes to parts of the deck and pilots running to their aircraft. two f-14 tomcat fighters were taxiing to the front of the flight deck.

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The Ship Rache Teaser

The upper gun decks of their ship was also about level with the sailing deck of the frigate; the frigate was a long, low, smooth ship, and the huge ship of the line was a rotund fortress of guns and liberal amounts of iron nailed to the hull.


"Skylands: The Third Gate" ch.06 (NaNoWriMo 2015)

She thrust her next bolt into the flames of the burning deck until it caught. next to her, irri did the same with a broken bit of railing. adam soared over them to land. he tumbled and rolled across the deck, as far from the flames as he could.

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Fine Print

The deck looked to only have about 20 cards in it, so how in the hell could he even try to lie like that. flynn grabbed the deck of cards. he gave the bunny a grim stare while he also shuffled the deck.

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Beasts and Crystal Beast VS Heros and Synchros Part 2

We grabbed our stuff and started walking, and i continued how i got the crystal beast deck. "and when i opened it the deck was wrapped in plastic, i took the plastic off and turned the deck the other way around.

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Castaways - Chapter 2

They both stand and walk over to the doorway leading below deck, jason pausing on the way to inform his dad that he is going below deck to unpack.

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First Prize

The lioness shrugged and returned above deck with the older raccoon. "i'll ask her then. thank you." the raccoon walked around the deck in search of mickeyila.

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Cabin Boy: Humiliation

Come on... up on deck. breakfast is being served and felinus tells me you like his cooking." flinty was pushed forwards toward the hatch by the naga. his long tail slithered across the decking with ease.

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Karyu's Story - The Way the River Flows

It had a crimson hull and most the decks were black. on the ship's crimson sails was a black star with a scythe cutting into the center. he was not the only one to notice them, down on deck karyu, akai, and the two bears saw this.

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