Runaway Experiment Redux - Part 5: Confrontation

Luna kept running as the helicopter's blades sped up, the "thup thup thup" of the propellers going increasingly faster. the female shouted that they should wait for her, but whiska just watched while the helicopter began to take off.

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A Change for the Better

Scott kept his eyes on the helicopter and his face straight. "i'm just comfortable watching," he informed me. "i never was big on these kinds of situations." i let him board the helicopter first.

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Task Force - Perspective

The ground sped past beneath the window of the helicopter. stop \> "huh... why did he have to be such a hero?"

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Cold as Steel (A Flexible Survival Fan Fiction) Part 3

Crewman standing on the tarmac directed the helicopter to gently lay the tarp down on the bed, the releasing of it revealed the magnificent beast it was carrying.

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Chapter 4: Power To Protect And Use!

Silver thought as he watched as the helicopter got some what smaller as he screamed out into the sky.

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The helicopter landed on the roof, and james pulled axel along towards it, the both of them boarding before the helicopter began to make its leave once more.

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Sergal Tails 2

Midnight just nodded and stepped into the car before blaze walked over to the helicopter, listening to the engine revving up before it took air and blaze spoke to the female ai installed, "leah! take us to london, if you please."

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Ars Technica Digimonae 10: Politics

"there's a helicopter outside waiting for you and your digimon to take you to washington. you'll get more information once you're on the flight."

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The War Chapter 1

Walking out of the helicopter proved to be easy, not a single enemy soldier was in sight.

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Hellborn: Poisonous Soil

She nodded and followed him to the helicopter, climbing in after him and closing the door behind herself. the helicopter touched down in the crater, about a kilometre from the very centre.

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Bloodwhisker: Chapter 1 ~A New beggining~

The tiger grasped the ladder dangling from the helicopter, and began to climb it. but the massive, male feline, stopped near the top and looked down and over at the heavily, injured zebra, panting, and gazing up at the helicopter.

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My First Story Pt2 The Start of a New War

The helicopter's fuselage start to smoke and then ignite. the helicopter started to spin out of control towards me. i dived out of the way of the helicopter but still got hit with a piece of shrapnel in the arm. i got up and started to run.

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