The Full Moon: Blitz

Following those two lovebirds around making kissy face at each other was a lesson that he had not yet learned to take, no siree!

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That Your Sweet Love Hasn’t Died POST-CRASH

I smiled, purred a little, and made a kissy face. victor's ears perked...both of them, i was pleased to see, and he let out a deep rumble. i squeezed on his fingers a little more, quite sure that it was covert enough in the semi-darkness.

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~The Neko and The Jackal~

He blushes brightly, feeling him making his way up her body kissing a long her body to her lips, she kissies him deely tasting her self on his lips and tongue. he laps his tongue along hers. the canine ended the kiss, caressing her cheek.

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Grab Their Hand and Whisper Run - Chap 1

They finish the thought together in true twin fashion making kissy faces at him with a, "loooove each other." bernard looks mortified to say the least and he sprints for the door. "i'll come back latter!" the door all but slams behind him.

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Sample: Freelancers Chapter 24, 1st Scene

She flexed her muscles and made a kissy face at him. "beautiful." he smiled. "better not keep your client waiting." rhoa laughed softly and nodded at the cottage in the middle of the private park. "i'll be here if you need me." "see you in a bit."

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Thirty Eight

I chased after her, arms stretched out, making kissy noises as we plowed our way through the snow towards stark's cabin. "come on," i teased her. "you need to know how to do it right!" "i'm gonna kick you!" she hollered between laughs.

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Chapter 8 - Baby It's Cold Out There

Lucas made a kissy face at me. i grabbed him by the neck and held him close. god, i was blushing so much today! "what did i tell you about talking about that in front of people?" "ack! let me go!"

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Arena, Chapter 7

Syala smiled and made a kissy face at her before stopping in front of dylan and caressing his chest. "i gave myself an orgasm while watching you and grishnag, so you don't have to worry about 'performing.' just let it happen at its own pace."

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Act XX

And it was making grossly, disgusting kissy slobbering noises, asking us not to kill it. it was being so annoying that josh told it to shut up.

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Zootopia - Old Friends - Part One

Nick playfully tried to plant a smooch on the fennec, making kissy noises, to be met with swatting paws as the diminutive male tried to fight him off. "naw, man, that ain't funny! stop it! stop it!

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Espy: Tales of a Femboy

Gérard made kissy faces which made espy blush and grimace. he simply ripped the paper in half... he wished this day would be over. midway through class espy had another predicament. he really needed to pee.

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"wait, a kissy-kissy for the girl for the trick!", yorick chuckled and suckled on exposed nipple, just in front of his mouth. "good doggy". he stepped off the stool and pulled his pants back up.

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